
  • Avue Technologies Co-CEO Linda Rix will discuss some ideas on how to make the federal government a more attractive option for job seekers. March 28,2014 (Encore presentation April 4, 2014)

    March 28, 2014
  • Bernie Mazer becomes the eighth senior IT executive to leave federal service or move to a new role in the last six months. Mazer helped transform the way Interior manages and oversees technology.

    March 28, 2014
  • Financial advisor Arthur Stein will answer your calls and emails about the TSP. Also, Nicole Blake Johnson and Andy Medici of the Federal Times will discuss a possible downsizing of the U.S. Postal Service. March 26, 2014

    March 26, 2014
  • Rob Carey, the principal deputy CIO at the Defense Department, will retire after 31 years in government. He is at least the seventh high level and long-time federal technology official to leave government in the last six months.

    March 26, 2014
  • Horace Blackman, a long-time Veterans Affairs IT executive, also leaves for the private sector, joining Lockheed Martin.

    March 24, 2014
  • The strange case of Lois Lerner - a federal official pleading the fifth - and the IRS.

    March 20, 2014
  • In our weekly Crime of the Week feature, Federal News Radio reports on a federal employee who is under investigation or charged with a crime.

    March 19, 2014
  • The Presidential Innovation Fellows are a diverse group of innovators and thinkers. Click through the gallery to meet the fellows from Round 2. View our special report page for full coverage of the fellows program.

    March 17, 2014
  • Federal Times writers Andy Medici and Sean Reilly and NARFE legislative director Jessica Klement will talk about some of the issues affecting feds in 2014. February 26, 2014

    February 26, 2014
  • General Gary Profit, senior director of military programs at Walmart, will talk about the company's initiative to hire more veterans. February 21, 2014

    February 21, 2014
  • The workforce is an ever-changing space. With the public sector facing budget cuts and pay freezes, the private sector is an appealing choice to many. Track which feds are moving to the private sector. Click and drag the arrows at the left and right ends of the timeline to zoom in and out.

    February 21, 2014
  • Simon Szykman announced to staff today he is leaving the agency to work in the private sector. He said he has no plans yet and will stay at the agency until a new CIO is hired. Additionally, Anil Karmel has left the NNSA after serving more than two years as the deputy chief technology officer to launch his own cloud computing company.

    February 20, 2014
  • The Senate confirmed Sloan Gibson to be the next deputy secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Patrick Gallagher, is heading off to academia.

    February 13, 2014
  • Lisa Danzig is slated to become OMB's associate director for personnel and performance. She would replace Shelley Metzenbaum, who left in May.

    February 12, 2014