Business News

  • SUE MANNING Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — Pet owners looking to launch the next Internet sensation or just longing for a new view of their dog’s dashing and digging won’t have to shop for…

    November 20, 2014
  • HELSINKI (AP) — Uber is expanding its app-based taxi and ridesharing services in the Nordic region, to include the cities of Helsinki, Oslo and Copenhagen. The San Francisco-based company, which claims operations in 47 countries,…

    November 20, 2014
  • BRANDON BAILEY AP Technology Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — WhatsApp, the globally popular instant messaging system owned by Facebook, has begun using a powerful new encryption program aimed at protecting users’ conversations from unwanted surveillance…

    November 20, 2014
  • KEN MORITSUGU Associated Press TOKYO (AP) — There will only be a few hundred, and they won’t be cheap, but Toyota is about to take its first small step into the unproven market for emissions-free,…

    November 19, 2014
  • MATTI HUUHTANEN Associated Press HELSINKI (AP) — Nokia is back in the fray. Just months after selling its ailing handsets business to Microsoft, the Finnish company is planning to go back into the consumer market…

    November 19, 2014
  • AMSTERDAM (AP) — Google says it will buy the entire output of an 18-turbine, 62-megawatt Dutch wind energy project in the Netherlands to supply power to a major data center it is building. Company officials…

    November 19, 2014
  • BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Facebook is launching a new free mobile app for its popular Groups feature that lets users create and interact with communities on the site, whether they’re…

    November 19, 2014
  • MICHAEL R. BLOOD Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — The largest solar power plant of its type in the world — once promoted as a turning point in green energy — isn’t producing as much…

    November 19, 2014
  • JACK GILLUM Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — AT&T Mobility, the nation’s second-largest cellular provider, says it’s no longer attaching hidden Internet tracking codes to data transmitted from its users’ smartphones. The practice made it nearly…

    November 18, 2014
  • BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Facebook is once again trying to simplify its privacy policy, largely to address criticisms that it’s too complex and lengthy for the average user. Laid out…

    November 18, 2014
  • KIMBERLY PIERCEALL Associated Press LAS VEGAS (AP) — A legal battle between Nevada’s highly regulated taxi industry and ride-sharing company Uber has gotten complicated as two state judges laid claim to hearing the same case.…

    November 17, 2014
  • SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — BlackBerry is expanding its efforts to sell mobile-security software on its rivals’ smartphones and tablets to help counter the waning popularity of its own devices. As part of its strategy outlined…

    November 17, 2014
  • JACK GILLUM Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — AT&T Mobility, the nation’s second-largest cellular provider, said Friday it’s no longer attaching hidden Internet tracking codes to data transmitted from its users’ smartphones. The practice made it…

    November 15, 2014
  • ANICK JESDANUN AP Technology Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Android’s sweet new “Lollipop” flavor brings security improvements and easier ways to view and respond to notifications. The new Google software for mobile devices even lets…

    November 14, 2014