National & World Headlines

  • Tens of thousands of federal employees may have their pay raises cut under the General Schedule for earning better raises under NSPS. Federal Managers Association\'s Patricia Niehaus explains.

    June 10, 2010
  • The demise of the Defense Department\'s controversial National Security Personnel System doesn\'t mean that it\'s totally dead or that something like it won\'t be coming to your federal agency soon. When it does, Senior Correspondent Mike Cause asks if it will be an improvement or new nightmare.

    June 10, 2010
  • After Google hack, warnings pop up in SEC filings

    June 09, 2010
  • June 10th, 2010 With Collaboration being a critical enabler of 21st century \"Work\", panelists will examine how do you define, manage, and more importantly, increase collaboration? Their focus on this second session will be the Confidence Dimension of collaboration. Increasing collaboration and, subsequently, decision making, involves the level of trust you have in something -- in the information you have, the people with whom you are making decisions.

    June 08, 2010
  • This week, host John Gilroy talks about IT Service Management and Information Technology Infrastructure Library with DISA\'s Drew Jaehnig and CSC\'s Wendy Irion-Talbot. June 8, 2010

    June 08, 2010
  • Within the defense budget, a debate has been developing for some time between funding the personnel-related areas and the equipment-related areas. We get details from Todd Harrison with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis.

    June 08, 2010
  • Are a quarter million Defense department civilians heading back to job-comfort and safety or are they heading for the bureaucratic version of a train wreck? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey takes you on, and off, the NSPS Express.

    June 08, 2010
  • The U.S. Cyber Command - or CYBERCOM - officially became operational in late May. But observers inside the military and out still aren\'t sure what the command is supposed to do: protect the Pentagon\'s networks, strike out at enemies, seal up civilian vulnerabilities, or some combination of all three. CYBERCOM officials insist they have no interest in taking over the security of the Internet, but Pentagon officials have floated the idea the Defense Department might start a protective program for civilian networks.

    June 07, 2010
  • The Department of Health and Human Services is expected to soon provide an updated set of guidelines to the health care community, and to federal agencies, regarding the effort to put in place a uniform system of electronic medical health records nationwide. The Department of Veterans Affairs - which oversees one of the largest health care systems in the world - has been working to take the Department\'s VISTA health records management system into a new realm of upgraded open source software and hardware systems -- while meeting the mandate to become part of a nationwide electronic health records network. Similarly, Navy officials say they\'ve been helping the Defense Department sync up with Veterans Affairs, and eventually with the electronic records in the civilian world, with the promise of better patient care through shared medical data.

    June 07, 2010
  • The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has announced the deployment of a satellite that heralds the beginning of a new era of space-based nuclear explosion monitoring. On May 27th, the U.S. Air Force successfully launched the first I-I-F series of satellites, carrying improved nuclear detonation detection instruments built by Sandia National Labs and Los Alamos National Laboratory for the N-N-S-A. Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator Ken Baker says the deployment of the new instruments will significantly improve the agency\'s ability to detect atmospheric, or space-based, nuclear explosions and verify compliance with nuclear test ban treaties. The sensors are being integrated on to Air Force GPS satellites, thus the entire planet is monitored continuously for tell-tale signs of treaty violation.

    June 07, 2010
  • Over $100 billion shifting from \"overhead\" to programs supporting warfighters.

    June 07, 2010
  • The Defense Department has been trying to improve efficiencies and cut costs by using both competitions with the private sector and High Performance Organizations (HPOs), a solution based in-house rather than on a public-private competition.

    June 07, 2010
  • Two cyber leaders concur on importance of moving past forensics to risk mitigation.

    June 07, 2010
  • Deputy secretary William Lynn calls for transferring billions of dollars from non-essential programs and administrative functions to warfighter mission areas. DoD also looking at six cross-cutting areas such as healthcare, acquisition and personnel policies for savings. The military services and Defense agencies have until July 31 to figure how to make this happen.

    June 07, 2010