Federal workers, retirees or their survivors have 12 more days to pick the health plan that will cover them and their families next year.
This open season, it's more important than ever that you shop around. If you’ve been in the same plan for 3-to-5 years, it may not be your best buy.
Come Jan. 1, health insurance plans must treat emergency services performed out-of-network as if they were done in-network. The new rules apply to almost all major public and private health insurance plans, including the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
Do a little shopping now and save a bundle next year. And maybe get even better coverage.
What’s the single most important reason to shop around for health insurance? Two very important words — catastrophic coverage.
Access to better health is just a click away with UnitedHealthcare. The nation’s largest health care company is connecting millions of federal employees with virtual care options and technology they can use, like Peloton and Apple Fitness+.
With 30-plus plans to choose from, many working feds and retirees go into shutdown mode and do nothing during the annual health insurance open season. This year it ends on Dec. 13. But that won’t help if you don’t shop around. Inertia is easy.
The FEHB open season runs through Dec. 13. so there is still plenty of time to compare plans, in addition to your current carrier, and compare their premiums, benefits, drug coverage and physician network.
This Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Open Season, doing some shopping could save you big. And there are resources you can turn to help you make your decision.
Federal workers and retirees have little time to miss another deadline and lose, as in overpay up to $2,000, on next year’s health premiums.
Next year's premium rate increases under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program are on the modest side, at least compared to recent years. Open season begins Monday and runs through Dec. 13.
People are going back to the dentist in full force to regain control of their oral health. Open Season is the best time to reexamine the dental plans available to federal employees and TRICARE retirees, as plans and premiums may be changing.
This exclusive e-book will help you navigate federal health care benefit plans for 2022 open season and how to choose what's right for you.
Come Jan. 1, health insurance plans must treat emergency services performed out-of-network as if they were done in-network. The new rules apply to almost all major public and private health insurance plans, including the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
Next year's premium rate increases under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) are on the modest side, at least compared to recent years. But the pandemic continues to make the business of predicting future trends difficult, to say the least.