When it comes to investing for retirement, who's on the right track? Boomers or millennials? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says in government it may be the old timers.
On this week's Your Turn, financial analyst Bob Lang will discuss investment options for federal workers and Katie Maddocks with the Federal Managers Association will talk about some pending legislation on Capitol Hill and how it could affect feds. March 9, 2016
More than 90,000 current and former federal workers have 401k plan balances of half a million dollars or more. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains why.
Investors in the federal Thrift Savings Plan are trying to figure out when their stock funds will return to normal. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says maybe they already have.
Do you know the difference between retirement planning and estate planning? Washington estate planner Tom O'Rourke will explain it when he joins host Mike Causey on Your Turn. March 2, 2016
As of last January the TSP, Uncle Sam’s in-house 401k plan, had 3,272 people with accounts of $1 million or more.
Do you have an escape route from your job, the date you plan to retire? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you actually need two sets of numbers.
What are your best date(s) to retire? Federal benefits expert Tammy Flanagan will answer that question when she joins host Mike Causey on Your Turn. February 17, 2016
Randy Silvey, president of Silverlight Financial, highlights three kinds of federal employees who prepare for retirement. And like the three little pigs, the retirement plan made of bricks is the most prepared.
For the third consecutive month, the Thrift Savings Plan funds posted mostly negative numbers at the end of January.
What should you consider when putting together a retirement planning checklist? Find out when retirement planner John Grobe joins host Mike Causey on this week's "Your Turn" radio show. January 27, 2016
Fewer federal employees made hardship withdrawals from their Thrift Savings Plan accounts in 2015 compared to the previous year. But more feds took age-based withdrawals from the TSP last year.
Federal investors had a bad year in 2015, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says after the last few weeks 2015 looks like the good old days.
If you work for Uncle Sam, will the bear market eat your retirement nest egg? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says investors should be very careful.
Certified financial planner Arthur Stein joins host Mike Causey to discuss how the bear market is impacting your TSP account. Stein will go over the options that you have to protect your retirement nest egg. January 20, 2016