Radio Interviews

  • Where is Green Computing headed under president-elect Barack Obama? That’s one of the questions the Green Computing Summit (pdf) hopes to answer. It’s happening on December 2nd and 3rd at the Ronald Regan Building. Christina…

    November 24, 2008
  • Government unveils bold plan to rescue Citigroup President-elect Obama rolling out economic course AP IMPACT: Govt pays for deadly, unapproved drugs Obama weighs names for top posts Court to hear case of Uighurs held at…

    November 24, 2008
  • We Now Know What We Don’t Know The National Academy of Public Administration is looking at the transition experience and expectations of career government employees. The report about members of the Senior Executive Service includes…

    November 21, 2008
  • FederalNewsRadio has been talking about the importance of the next Administration’s energy policy, but what about Congress? Senator Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico is chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The senator says…

    November 21, 2008
  • The next presidential administration can jump start the economy by making energy policy a priority. That according to the U-S Chamber of Commerce, which recently released a suggestion guide for President-elect Barack Obama. Karen Harbert…

    November 21, 2008
  • US details role for additional Afghan forces Automakers need to make case for government aid Report says CIA withheld info from White House Judge orders release of 5 terror suspects at Gitmo Feds: FAA worker…

    November 21, 2008
  • What’s Next? Using technology was one of the hallmarks of the Obama campaign. Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt is a member of the President-elect’s Transition Economic Advisory Board. I had highlights of a presentation…

    November 20, 2008
  • If you commit a crime while you’re working abroad for the U.S. government, can foreign authorities lock you up? The answer to that question for U-S troops and contractors in Iraq could be changing soon.…

    November 20, 2008
  • Military families are getting more coverage under the Family and Medical Leave Act. The Department of Labor just published a final rule that will let employees take time off if a family member is wounded…

    November 20, 2008
  • The Department of Homeland Security is one of the biggest spenders when it comes to procurement in the federal government and there are a lot of challenges facing their acquisition workforce. While DHS has made…

    November 20, 2008
  • Report criticizes Homeland Security (USAToday) Arizonan will head Homeland Security (Politico) Agencies send ‘hot lists’ of key issues to Obama review teams (GovExec) Administration touts continued progress on financial audits (GovExec) VA Raises Vets’ Mileage…

    November 20, 2008
  • Tim Young OMB counselor for IT and e-government Nov. 20th, 2008

    November 19, 2008
  • What role do small businesses play in the military communications marketplace? At this year’s MILCOM conference small businesses are getting the chance to meet with representatives of the major military communications companies as part of…

    November 19, 2008
  • How engaged are the employees at your agency and how is this affecting your department’s productivity? The Merit Systems Protection Board surveyed 35,000 federal employees to find the answers to these questions. Doug Nierle, project…

    November 19, 2008