Radio Interviews

  • Is the future of Army’s Future Combat Systems up in the air as a new administration gets ready to take the helm? Retired Army Lt. Gen. Pete Cuviello joins us. He’s a former Chief Information…

    November 11, 2008
  • Sometimes Continuity Trumps Change (WashingtonPost) Intelligence Policy to Stay Largely Intact (WSJ) Foreign Service officers clamor for security clearance reform (GovExec) Like Clinton, Obama Calls for Fewer Federal Contractors to Cut Spending (WashingtonPost) Capitol Visitor…

    November 11, 2008
  • Birthday Boys & Girls Congratulations to the United States Marines, celebrating their 233rd birthday today. Gunnery Sgt. Fred Zimmerman told me how the Marines celebrate, some history behind the observation, and his personal story of…

    November 10, 2008
  • Vice Admiral Adam M. Robinson, Jr. Surgeon General, Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery November 10th and 12th, 2008

    November 10, 2008
  • What will an Obama administration mean for career executives in the federal government? Carol Bonosaro, President of the Senior Executives Association, joins us with her answer. Click to hear the interview.

    November 10, 2008
  • What major issues will the next Secretary of State face once he or she is confirmed? Catherine Kelleher is a professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy. Ms. Kelleher has also served…

    November 10, 2008
  • Taking care of more than 25-million veterans is no small order for the Federal Government, but that’s exactly what the Department of Veterans Affairs does. FederalNewsRadio is taking a close look at this issue in…

    November 10, 2008
  • Government provides new aid to AIG Report: US conducted secret ops in Pakistan, Syria Pentagon board says cuts essential (BostonGlobe) Blackwater could face sanctions for improper arms shipments (GovExec) Obama planning US trials for Guantanamo…

    November 10, 2008
  • Transition mode continued on today’s show, with experts talking about several different approaches to the changeover. Former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, now a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, detailed…

    November 07, 2008
  • Linda Rix Co-CEO Avue Technologies Corporation November 6th, 2008

    November 07, 2008
  • It was an historic event. But we don’t mean the election of Barack Obama to the White House. We’re talking about the October stock market. Arthur Stein is a certified financial planner, and joins us…

    November 07, 2008
  • We’ve heard a lot about change lately – from the election to new rules for agencies and contractors. This morning we’re speaking about another kind of change: the kind that happens when an entire agency…

    November 07, 2008
  • President-elect Obama will hold his first news conference today since winning the presidency. The Democrat will address the financial crisis after meeting with members of his transition economic advisory board. After that, Obama is planning…

    November 07, 2008
  • Immigration to Go Paperless (WashingtonPost) Bush study favors bigger Afghan army Transition vulnerability (WashingtonTimes) Cracks in Tomb of the Unknowns spurs debate (USAToday) Army mulling changes in Arlington honors (AFTimes) Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie…

    November 07, 2008