\"Blueprint for a Secure Cyber Future\" includes ideas for hardening critical networks and prosecuting cyber crime.
Changing Internet terminology may help to protect your computers.
A hacker figured out how to jailbreak the tablet and when the security company Research in Motion fixed the hole he found in the system he found a way around it in just one day.
Sys-con has aggregated a list of top 10 lists.
The military\'s health care program says a letter from SAIC about the breach is legit
Jerry Grochow, a research affiliate at the MIT Energy Initiative and the former vice president for Information Services and Technology at MIT, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss how the federal government could reset its cyber priorities for the electric grid.
Jennifer Kerber, the vice president of homeland security at TechAmerica, an industry group representing technology contractors, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the finalized FedRAMP and what it means for industry.
One change is in the Army War College\'s Information Operations handbook. Dennis Murphy, a professor of Information Operations and Information in Warfare at the Army War College Center for Strategic Leadership, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the new cyber curriculum.
The high-profile issues of mobility and cloud computing are interconnected and reflect a shifting landscape not only at federal agencies but on a much wider scale, said EmeSec founder and CEO Maria Horton in an interview on Industry Chatter with Francis Rose.
Symantec warns of security flaw that could affect defense contractors.
The Chubb Group of Insurance Companies is adding cybersecurity insurance to its portfolio.
The goal of the revised FIPS-201-2 will detail at a high level how agencies can integrate secure smart cards with mobile devices. NIST is considering five options for making HSPD-12 cards work with tablets and smart phones.
The joint cyberspace training exercise was held at the Air Force Red Flag Facility at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.
The new plan spells out a research and development program aimed at improving trustworthiness on the Internet.
Under the draft bill, introduced by the chairman of the House Homeland Security Cybersecurity Subcommittee, Daniel Lungren (R-Calif.), the organization would share cyber threat information among various government and private-sector groups. The Homeland Security Department would take a lead role in the new organization by organizing the information sharing across the government and its private sector counterparts.