
  • Yes — today is my birthday. (I have a friend who lies about his age. Frankly, I am trying out going the other way — Let’s be honest — I don’t look like I’m in…

    August 12, 2009
  • In the past several weeks, there have been some high-profile departures from the federal government’s cyber-security ranks. This week’s Federal Security Spotlight guest is Jim Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Host…

    August 12, 2009
  • August 12th, 2009 \"Going green\" used to be a cost driver; it was more expensive to go green - and stay green - than to do business the old-fashioned way. But that cost dynamic is changing, and the US Postal Service is taking advantage of it.

    August 12, 2009
  • The DorobekInsider has learned that the General Services Administration this afternoon will name Michael Robertson, who currently serves as GSA’s White House liaison, as the associate administrator of GSA’s Office of Governmentwide Policy and the…

    August 10, 2009
  • Peer to peer computer file sharing may be coming to an end. Congressman Edolphus Towns plans to introduce a bill banning the use of peer-to-peer software on all government and contractor computers and networks. Possible information leaks about the electronics for the president\'s Marine One make such a ban necessary. Additionally, the GAO is calling for a more secure network to share digitized data. The Oversight and Government Reform Committee will continue hearings on this after Congress returns from its August recess.

    August 10, 2009
  • Do u txt? Sending text messages without properly spelling words isn’t simply for the college-age set anymore. Stephanie Raposo is a personal technology reporter for the Wall Street Journal and says texting shorthand is becoming…

    August 07, 2009
  • Now that GSA has issued an RFQ, more experts think the technology will happen sooner rather than later for the federal government.

    August 07, 2009
  • The DorobekInsider has learned that that former EPA CIO Molly O’Neill will join CGI Federal as a a vice president. Expect the official announcement any time now. She starts work on Monday, Aug. 10. It…

    August 07, 2009
  • In a recent cyber security survey of government IT executives, intrusion detection and prevention were one of the top priorities mentioned by 42% of the respondents in that survey. Investments in intrusion detection to protect the network and prevent intrusions were indicated to be extremely important. Securing your network in these two areas to protect against cyber attacks will have an indelible impact on improving security.

    August 06, 2009
  • The Defense Department’s success in using biometrics in Iraq and Afghanistan is inspiring the military to expand the use of identification technologies. DoD has several pilots or plans for tests to use biometrics in non-wartime…

    August 05, 2009
  • Yes, I’ve been going on and on and on about the fifth meeting of the Federal News Radio Book Club, talking about the book Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation by James P. Andrew and…

    August 05, 2009
  • The White House wants agencies to shift priorities as they develop their fiscal 2011 budget submissions to focus more on the administration\'s science and technology priorities.

    August 05, 2009
  • UPDATE: See the video from News Channel 8 here… The DorobekInsider will be on DC’s NewsChannel 8’s Federal News Tonight program tonight in the 7:30p ET half-hour.. and we’re going to be talking about Intellipedia…

    August 04, 2009
  • A setback for federal cyber security. The acting advisor to President Obama has resigned. After first leading the 60-day cyber security review, then waiting two months to see if she would be named as the…

    August 04, 2009



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