Over the past 18 months, DoD has been working to turn a myriad OSD offices into an IT enterprise. A new agreement takes that effort a step further.
Ideas to improve public services submitted by employees from FEMA, CFBP, Treasury and others rose to the top of GSA’s 10x priority list.
Public health is ripe for opportunities to leverage AI, but it's not as simple as just picking the shiny new tool and feeding it data.
Focus on three modernization musts to achieve cloud transformation: strategy, security and buy-in, says Splunk federal leader.
Scammers are impersonating financial offices within the State Department in phishing emails.
The Navy Reserve's far-flung workforce needed secure IT access anywhere, anytime. Now, the reserve's deploying the capability across the fleet.
The U.S. Transportation Command will kick off a three-year effort to make it easier for users to access data anywhere, anytime, its transformation chief says.
The State Department sees generative AI as a valuable tool to meet it's mission and to help its employees chart the next step in their careers.