All About Data

Apple Watch

VA looking at ‘smart home’ tech to keep aging, disabled vets living independently

A smartwatch saved the life of VA’s chief health technology officer. The department expects this device data can also save the lives of other disabled vets.

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/master1305overworked graphic

A quarter of federal employees feel burnout, causing high turnover and low morale, study finds

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/Roman BabakinCommerce Department

Commerce CDO outlines need for data to keep pace with emerging technology

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Artificial Intelligence

Pandemic watchdog sees ‘target-rich environment’ for AI to track down fraudsters

The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee sees AI as a valuable tool to flag potential fraud in pandemic spending data. 

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US Russia Sanctions

Treasury seeks greater data sharing in interagency plan to curb improper payments

Agencies saw a governmentwide decrease in improper payments last year, after a surge of them at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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DISA, AI, AI/ML, Data management

Intel community’s new data strategy looks to lay foundations of AI future

Intelligence Community Chief Data Officer Lori Wade says a new IC data strategy prioritizes a more data-savvy workforce, and sets the groundwork for the IC to use artificial intelligence tools.

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All About Data

All About Data

Conversations with the people who are making data work better for government. Federal News Network’s Jory Heckman speaks with federal chief data officers and other thought leaders who are finding new ways to harness data to drive better mission outcomes.