Government Shutdown

Steny Hoyer

Rep. Hoyer warns of ‘freezes, furloughs, layoffs’

House appropriators passed the Financial Services and General Government 2025 spending bill yesterday, though it’s 20% below what President Biden wanted.

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Biden signs $1.2 trillion funding package after Senate’s early-morning passage ended government shutdown threat

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Sequestration’s head pops up, for a peek at continuing budget uncertainty

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Congress passes first package of spending bills just hours before shutdown deadline for key agencies

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Congress, contractors, 2025 budget, 2025 appropriations, government, Congress, government shutdown, CR

What will happen now that Congress bought itself a week or two on the budget?

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Lawmakers’ weekend effort delivers six funding bills, as government shutdown fuse sizzles

To avoid a government shutdown, the bills still must be approved by both houses of Congress before March 9, both of which return to work on Tuesday afternoon.

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National Guard leaders, government

Congress approves short-term extension to avoid shutdown, buy more time for final spending agreement

The bill now goes to President Joe Biden to be signed into law. The short-term extension is the fourth in recent months.

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Congressional leaders reach a tentative deal to avoid government shutdown. But Ukraine aid stalls

Congressional leaders have announced a tentative agreement to prevent a government shutdown, for now.

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