Federal Drive

  • The Department of Justice rules on one of the biggest cases of disability fraud in the Veterans Affairs Department's history.

    January 28, 2016
  • Greg Giddens, the director of the Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction at the Veterans Affairs Department, is pushing five main acquisition principles that he says will put the VA in the right direction.

    January 27, 2016
  • 'Midshippie' does have a hip sort of ring, can be spoken or sung, and it would sound perfect if shouted out by a drill instructor at a cadet (cadette?).

    January 27, 2016
  • Anne Altman celebrates 34 years at IBM with Jan. 26 retirement party at the Metropolitan Club.

    January 27, 2016
  • Your mother always told you it was good to share. For federal agencies, shared services are a route to greater efficiency, less wasted effort and maybe even better performance. So why aren't more agencies doing it? Now the Partnership for Public Service, teaming with Deloitte, has come up with a list of recommendations for agencies to get into shared services for human resources and acquisition. Mallory Barg Bulman, research director at the Partnership, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more detail.

    January 27, 2016
  • The Homeland Security Department can't get this one over the line. How to collect biometric IDs from foreigners leaving the United States. DHS captures it when they arrive, but that's it. The result? It's impossible to tell who is overstaying their visit. This situation has concerned Congress for years. Rebecca Gambler, director of homeland security and justice issues at the Government Accountability Office, shares the details of a new GAO report on Federal Drive with Tom Temin

    January 27, 2016
  • The Justice Department inspector general said the Drug Enforcement Agency has been paying federal employees to serve as informants in instances where they were just doing their day jobs.

    January 27, 2016
  • A bipartisan group of seven members of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee wrote to every major agency and several smaller ones seeking information about the cyber defects announced by Juniper Networks in December.

    January 27, 2016
  • Using a particular BPA might help the governmentwide picture, but it won't necessarily help individual agencies manage their own expenses.

    January 26, 2016
  • Federal employees in the D.C. area are able to return to their offices on Wednesday after snow forced their closure for two days.

    January 26, 2016
  • Even as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars recede into history, problems with traumatic brain injury endure. A study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University finds that those injured before 2007 are most at risk for chronic problems. That's before Defense Department medical officials started more regular and detailed TBI screenings. Study co-author Rachel Chase from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk about the study.

    January 26, 2016
  • Snow days ain't what they used to be. Now that tens of thousands of federal employees have the capability to telework, the calculus for when to close federal offices has changed. Regardless, it's not a simple decision.

    January 26, 2016
  • Congress will get going this year, that's a promise. But this week the House Democrats are heading out of town. The Senate is a day late getting underway because of the weekend snowstorm. But David Hawkings, senior editor at CQ Roll Call, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin there's still stuff to do.

    January 26, 2016
  • Call it the eighth year syndrome. It's the last year of a presidency and scores of politically appointed slots throughout the federal government are vacant, and likely to stay that way until the next administration comes in. How do career executives manage through it? Federal Drive with Tom Temin gets some advice from Danny Werfel, former acting IRS commissioner and long-time federal financial exec. He's now a director in the public sector practice at the Boston Consulting Group.

    January 26, 2016