An issue of costly importance in Federal Circuit Court, namely, when you buy software through a reseller, who can enforce the end user license agreement?
Staff attrition would only exacerbate the Bureau of Prisons' current 40% staffing shortage, the union said.
An Energy Department project called the Quantum and Space Collaboration has drawn in industry participants. DOE aims to harness cutting-edge quantum technology.
While much of the technology world focuses on artificial intelligence, a small but steady community has emerged over quantum technologies.
CBO advised Congress that unless full-year appropriations for 2024 is enacted by April 30, the White House might be obligated to initiate sequestration.
A new Coast Guard policy will require supervisors to refer personnel to a health care provider for an evaluation as soon as service members request assistance.
The Energy Department (DOE) has established a center of excellence for accelerating offshore wind energy.
The Veterans Affairs Department operates a vast array of programs, but they can be tricky to navigate for veterans who were not initially eligible.