Software manufacturers routinely tie up with resellers to get their foot into the federal market. It may have to do with artificial intelligence.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has a long list of companies on an advisory group called called the AI Safety Institute Consortium.
A potent brand of bug-killing dog and cat collars has killed thousands of dogs and cats. The EPA has known about the Seresto Pet Collars for years.
An issue of costly importance in Federal Circuit Court, namely, when you buy software through a reseller, who can enforce the end user license agreement?
Staff attrition would only exacerbate the Bureau of Prisons' current 40% staffing shortage, the union said.
An Energy Department project called the Quantum and Space Collaboration has drawn in industry participants. DOE aims to harness cutting-edge quantum technology.
While much of the technology world focuses on artificial intelligence, a small but steady community has emerged over quantum technologies.
CBO advised Congress that unless full-year appropriations for 2024 is enacted by April 30, the White House might be obligated to initiate sequestration.