
  • Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell says his state won\'t have enough time to prepare for the move of 6,400 Defense Department employees to the Mark Center in Alexandria, Va., as part of the Base Realignment and Closure. The deadline for the move is Sept. 1.

    April 26, 2011
  • Federal contractor Northrop Grumman is hiring executives to work in its new Virginia headquarters.

    April 25, 2011
  • Tips teleworking managers need to know about e-mail.

    April 25, 2011
  • National Park Service chief spokesman David Barna joins host Derrick Dortch on today\'s show to talk about National Park Week. April 22, 2011

    April 22, 2011
  • Women in Federal Law Enforcement Executive Director Margie Moore and Jessie Lane, president of the WIFLE Executive Committee, join host Debra Roth to talk about the association and what it\'s doing to address the concerns of its members. April 22, 2011

    April 22, 2011
  • A new Pentagon inspector general report finds \"procedural and technical weaknesses\" in the Army\'s traffic assessment surrounding its plans to move 6,400 Defense employees to a privately owned office complex in northern Virginia. Rep. Jim Moran, whose district includes the site, said the findings provide the underpinnings for local officials to sue the Pentagon to stop the move.

    April 22, 2011
  • Workers at Uncle Sam\'s most touchy/feely agency must soon decide which union they want to represent them...even if they don\'t like any of the choices. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey ask so how\'s that going to work?

    April 22, 2011
  • Transportation security officers will begin voting May 23 in a run-off election to decide which of two unions they want to be represented by.

    April 21, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management and the Chief Human Council Officers council have provided guidelines to agencies for improving time-to-hire. The requirements will begin June 30.

    April 21, 2011
  • A new report finds the Pentagon used faulty data when it decided to relocate 6,400 Department of Defense workers from Crystal City to Alexandria\'s Mark Center as part of the Base Realignment and Closure Act.

    April 21, 2011
  • Bryan Lowry President, AFGE Council of Prison Locals Tim Shorrock AFGE Contract Analyst Dr. Toni Lewis Chair, Service Employees International Union\'s Health Care Division

    April 20, 2011
  • Erin Pitera is the VP of Federal Management Partners and describes how the Navy was able to bring on much sought-after acquisition professionals.

    April 20, 2011
  • Neither of the two federal unions to represent 44,000 Transportation Security Agency employees received a majority of the vote. The election will go into a run-off in the next few weeks.

    April 20, 2011
  • The Federal Broadband Minute, provided by Hughes. \"Can your network save your agency money and still deliver bandwidth efficient service?\" The answer is yes and the savings are at the field office. Here\'s how: don\'t pay for high cost, dedicated access lines and MPLS ports for field office connectivity. Instead, call Hughes and get an affordable managed broadband service the benefits are huge. By replacing costly special access with affordable broadband, Hughes can save your agency up to $300 per month, per site multiply that by all your field offices and see the savings take off. Or…maybe you think your network should provide better service for the cost of what you already pay. Whether it\'s more savings or better quality, Hughes\' National Managed Broadband Service is the answer. And get a path diverse, back up solution for the same price as your primary network alone. Enable your government field office of the future from Hughes.

    April 20, 2011