Best Places to Work in the Federal Government

  • Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro, after presiding over two-year of workforce and process improvements at the agency, has a few suggestions for his successor and the incoming administration.

    January 13, 2017
  • Agencies have problems with recruitment, training, leadership development and succession planning. That's not an outside criticism. It's coming from their own employees. The Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte analyzed the most recent Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey to come up with some ideas for improving the employee experience. David Dye is the director of Federal Human Capital Services at Deloitte. He joined Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to analyze the latest snapshot.

    August 06, 2015
  • The annual "Best Places to Work in the Federal Government" survey measures employees' job satisfaction, and is sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management, the Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte Consulting. When you dig into the numbers, you find something odd: Big differences between the viewpoints of rank-and-file federal employees and those in the Senior Executive Service. David Dye, the director of Federal Human Capital Services at Deloitte, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to analyze those differences.

    July 01, 2015
  • Fred Steckler, the CAO at the US. Patent and Trademark Office, discusses his agency's number one ranking in the latest Best Places to Work in Government survey, and Deloitte's David Dye and Katherine Ryan talk about employee management and how to engage the workforce. March 21, 2014

    March 21, 2014
  • Every agency wants employees to be happy and enjoy their work. But, unfortunately, not all federal workers are satisfied with their working environment. The Partnership for Public Service has released parts two and three of…

    September 01, 2009