Beth Angerman

  • Federal shared IT and other services make all the sense in the world. So why aren’t more agencies doing it? And what will it take to expand use of shared services?

    June 02, 2016
  • The Treasury Department isn't quite getting ready for the Christmas buying season, but it is preparing for the shared services buying season. Treasury will release a catalog of shared services early in 2015.

    November 17, 2014
  • The Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation issued two RFIs in the last few weeks. One announced an industry day for May 21, and the other is looking for ideas to improve how the government manages and integrates data from different systems.

    May 08, 2014
  • In part 3 of our special report, Shared Services Revisited, Federal News Radio explores the administration's plans to ensure success in consolidating and standardizing financial systems this time around. Beth Angerman, director of Treasury's Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation (OFIT), said the goal is creating a repeatable, sustainable process for agencies to move to federal financial management providers. Over the next six months, Treasury and OMB must answer many of the outstanding questions about how this initiative will truly work.

    April 10, 2014
  • In our special report, Shared Services Revisited, OMB still must solve long-standing challenges to ensure federal providers are capable of bringing on large, cabinet level agencies. The role of the private sector is leaving some vendors unhappy, but officials say history shows their success rate with financial management system implementation to be poor.

    April 09, 2014
  • In part 1 of Federal News Radio's special report, this second attempt by OMB to move agencies to financial management shared services is fraught with the same obstacles of a decade ago. But OMB believes this attempt at shared services is different. The administration says budget concerns and technology advancements will help overcome these long-standing barriers.

    April 08, 2014