Bureau of Labor Statistics

  • The pay raise process established in the U.S. Code relies on federally-collected data, which should make it easy to predict a year in advance just what kind of a pay raise federal employees will be getting.

    January 09, 2018
  • Panel recommends creating federal entity to collate statistics and provide more privacy protection for stakeholders.

    October 23, 2017
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says federal and Social Security retirees may be in for a cost-of-living adjustment that’ll trump January's proposed 1.9 percent pay raise for federal workers.

    May 23, 2017
  • The President's Pay Agent approved a recommendation to add Burlington, Vermont, and Virginia Beach, Virginia, to the list of separate locality pay areas for 2018. The pay agent signed off on one recommendation from the Federal Salary Council but little else.

    December 21, 2016
  • Federal agencies are using artificial intelligence to do everything from cataloging milk prices to monitoring immigration status. Department leaders say the technology helps cut costs and improve accuracy, but machines are also impacting the human workforce.

    December 07, 2016
  • Artificial intelligence has many definitions and even more uses, and the federal government is embracing this emerging technology. In a two-day special report, Federal News Radio looks at AI, government policies to regulate it, and how agencies are using this technology.

    December 06, 2016
  • Carol Mullins, the associate commissioner for the Office of Technology and Survey Processing for the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, said the bureau’s effort to reduce its servers, applications and other IT components is coming to fruition over the next year.

    August 26, 2016
  • If we start with these seven basics, we could have the potential to design a more accountable civil service that is free of political influence.

    April 07, 2016
  • With two months to go in the COLA countdown for January 2016, it appears unlikely retirees will get any adjustment next year. The CPI-W will be announced later this month, but all indications say there won't be a COLA in January, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    August 10, 2015
  • Federal retirees will soon know their cost of living adjustment for January 2015. The bad news is, it might be lower than they were hoping, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    September 24, 2014
  • After a decade of growth, the number of federal employees has begun a slight decline. New data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows 63,000 fewer feds on the government's payroll today than there were a year ago. Federal News Radio's Web Manager Julia Ziegler joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to discuss what this means for agencies as they try to complete their missions.

    June 20, 2014
  • The report found federal employees work on average of 38.7 hours a week, compared with 41.4 hours per week in the private sector. That difference adds up to 3.8 fewer weeks per year feds work.

    September 13, 2012
  • Learn more about how many people are working for the government, and how many aren\'t from Christopher Goodman, an economist with the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    July 18, 2011
  • Union membership has declined across the board in 2010 despite a substantial rise in public sector union workers compared to their private sector counterparts.

    January 21, 2011