Census Bureau

  • Tim Ruland, Chief Information Technology Security Officer at the Census Bureau, says his office reimages 25-30 PCs each month because of irresponsible Web browsing. Ruland says some managers may choose to revoke employee Internet privileges to help fix the problem. Census is also developing a safe Web surfing handbook for all employees.

    July 22, 2010
  • Tim Ruland, Chief Information Technology Security Officer at the Census Bureau, says his office reimages 25-30 PCs each month because of irresponsible Web browsing. Ruland says some managers may choose to revoke employee Internet privileges to help fix the problem. Census is also developing a safe Web surfing handbook for all employees.

    July 21, 2010
  • The $15 billion U.S. Census is near completion with a response rate unchanged from a decade ago.

    July 15, 2010
  • In the coming days and weeks, many of its members will experience the pain of unemployment - once again.

    July 12, 2010
  • With the 2010 census winding down its more public face, officials are double-checking their work as the bureau looks toward the final decennial population count. The Census director peers into his crystal ball as he begins to consider how the 2020 census will be conducted.

    July 08, 2010
  • As of Tuesday, 98 percent of the 47 million households that had failed to return their census questionnaires had been contacted by a census worker.

    June 23, 2010
  • At the Executive Update 2010 conference, a panel of seasoned senior executives and new senior executives provide advice on how to be effective and successful in SES positions, from the SES on-boarding process through the first 18 months in the SES role. Panelist Daniel Weinberg, an assistant director at Census, gives us a preview.

    June 16, 2010
  • From problems with handheld computers to headaches concerning the development of \"back-office\" computing systems, technology has been a high-risk area for the Census. But now, the current Census director seems to have good news: problems with one of those back-office systems have been fixed.

    June 03, 2010
  • WFED\'s Max Cacas reports.

    June 02, 2010
  • Ten years from now, how the population in the U.S. is counted will probably be even more different than the population will be! Director of the Census Bureau, Dr. Robert Groves tells us the Census plans to test using the Internet for future counts.

    May 14, 2010
  • Census Bureau gears up for the most difficult part of its high-stakes count. Today, officials will announce the final mail participation rate. Then, beginning May 1, more than 600,000 census workers will fan out across the country to knock on the doors of those who did not respond by mail. Census Director Doctor Robert Groves explains where we are and what\'s next.

    April 28, 2010
  • Census grabs a statistical snapshot of US teleworkers.

    March 05, 2010
  • The Census Bureau has a plan. Census Bureau Director, Dr. Robert Groves explains.

    October 26, 2009
  • The clock continues to tick down to the April 1st start of the 2010 Census, and a Senate oversight subcommittee continues to focus on efforts for an accurate count of the nation\'s population next year.

    October 08, 2009