
  • What might be on Congress\'s agenda when they return from recess

    July 07, 2010
  • Schizophrenic is how Defense Secretary Robert Gates describes Russia\'s relationship to Iran. In remarks before Congress he indicated Russian knows nukes in Iran would destabilized the region, but still Russia is pursuing a commercial relationship with Iran. Gates said he was told by his counterpart in Russia while he was head of the CIA in the 1990s, supporting Iran\'s nuclear reactor was all about the money.

    July 01, 2010
  • The Senate Homeland Security Committee approved a bill that could dramatically reshape how agencies secure their computer networks.

    June 30, 2010
  • Beneath bipartisan rounds of praise for Petraeus lay fault lines over the nearly nine-year war. A make-or-break military push across southern Afghanistan is stuck in neutral, though U.S. officials insist there are signs of progress and reason for hope. The Hill\'s Ian Swanson breaks it down for us.

    June 30, 2010
  • Sometime in the next few weeks, the Senate is expected to take up a bill designed to strengthen the nation\'s cybersecurity infrastructure. The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved the legislation Thursday by voice vote.

    June 25, 2010
  • How low can they go? House Democrats say they\'ll forgo a traditional budget resolution for 2011 and opt for a plan to reduce non-security discretionary spending beyond what the president has proposed. We get details from The Hill\'s Walter Alarkon.

    June 23, 2010
  • NIH director Dr. Francis Collins testified before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce\'s Subcommittee on Health yesterday that the immediate future could be difficult because of poor economic conditions and stimulus funds running dry.

    June 16, 2010
  • In last night\'s address, Obama urged Congress and the nation to get behind sweeping energy and climate change legislation, a domestic priority of his presidency that has stalled on Capitol Hill. Congressional expert Jodi Schneider explains what bills address what and where they are in the process.

    June 16, 2010
  • Legislation proposed in the House of Representatives today would require all agencies to invest significant time and resources in managerial training.

    June 15, 2010
  • In reflecting on lessons learned, what was perhaps the most striking observation was the commonality of the responses from our allies, who came from varied nationalities, ranks, specialties, and experiences, says Peter Singer with Brookings.

    June 11, 2010
  • Treading carefully is expected slow down the budget process on the Hill even further. Details from American Banker\'s Jodi Schneider.

    June 09, 2010
  • Chairman Edolphus \"Ed\" Towns (D-NY) is requesting detailed information from the Justice Department and DHS after the release of a Justice Department Inspector General report in 2009 that outlined major lapses at the United States National Central Bureau.

    June 08, 2010
  • Don\'t Ask, Don\'t Tell and Joint Strike Fighter issues are only the beginnings of the hurdles for the bill. Jodi Schneider, Senior Editor at American Banker, explains.

    June 02, 2010
  • The Senate approves a bill designed to expand telework in the federal government. The Telework Enhancement Act would create an assumption in agencies that employees are eligible to telework. We get an update from American Banker\'s Jodi Schneider.

    May 26, 2010
  • Director of Acquisition and Sourcing Management shares ideas to implement OMB insourcing guidelines.

    May 25, 2010