Critical infrastructure

  • In 2011, companies reported 198 cyber incidents to the Homeland Security Department — a nearly 383 percent increase above 2010, according to a June 28 report from the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT). Companies reported nine such incidents in 2009., when DHS opened ICE-CERT to help protect private-sector operators critical infrastructure from "emerging" cyber threats.

    July 04, 2012
  • Gen. Keith Alexander said a recent cyber exercise is the first time the military showed it can do offensive and defensive capabilities at the same time, by the same team. This was part of Alexander's answers to questions from Sen. John McCain.

    May 04, 2012
  • The government is working with a cobbled-together set of authorities and responsibilities when it comes to protecting networks from cyber threats, a top Homeland Security Department cyber official said Wednesday. Congress needs to act soon to update the nation's cybersecurity posture, he said.

    May 03, 2012
  • Information sharing is critical but insufficient, White House cyber chief says. Howard Schmidt said the federal government's responsibility is broader than its own systems and that is why any cyber bill needs stronger oversight of critical networks.

    April 11, 2012
  • Joe Jarzombek, the director of software assurance at the division, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss the workshops DHS is sponsoring at the conference.

    September 19, 2011
  • Congress heard criticisms of the White House\'s cybersecurity proposal Friday, including claims that it provides incentives that could make the nation\'s critical infrastructure less secure.

    June 27, 2011
  • The House is preparing to once again take up legislation that would grant the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission new authority to order private electrical grid operators to take emergency action in the event of a cyber attack or a new vulnerability. The power would extend to bulk electric systems and parts of the grid that supply electricity to Defense infrastructure that is critical to national security.

    June 01, 2011
  • The White House\'s draft bill includes many similarities with the one sponsored by the Sens. Lieberman, Collins and Carper. The biggest issues are around the President\'s powers over the Internet during emergencies and whether there should be a Senate-confirmed cyber coordinator at DHS. Senate Majority Leader Reid is making comprehensive cyber legislation a priority this session.

    May 23, 2011
  • Even in a year in which the Stuxnet attack targeted critical infrastructure systems and attacks on grid operators rose dramatically, operators of critical infrastructure around the world took few steps to increase their cyber defenses, a new report found.

    April 20, 2011
  • DHS is releasing gases and fluorescent particles into Boston\'s subway tunnels today to study how toxic chemicals and lethal biological agents could spread through the nation\'s oldest subway system in a terrorist attack. Details from program manager, Teresa Lustig

    August 20, 2010
  • New threat: Hackers look to take over power plants

    August 04, 2010
  • Some ex-employees turn to cybercrime

    April 08, 2010