Dan Chenok

  • The next president, whoever it is, could help forge a more enterprise-like government with a strong focus on management. The Partnership for Public service and the IBM Center for the Business of Government hosted roundtable discussions on this topic. Dan Chenok, executive director at the IBM Center, provides all the details on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    March 21, 2016
  • A new survey from NAPA and ICF found agencies say budget and workforce challenges stand in their way to moving more toward digital services. The administration is trying to address both of those through the 2017 budget request and new training.

    February 11, 2016
  • Federal managers have to keep lots of plates spinning. They're asked to maintain and improve ongoing programs and Congress is constantly adding new ones. The occasional high-profile failures, such as the launch of Healthcare.gov, show how tough the job can be. But the National Academy of Public Administration has some new ideas for improving that. Dan Chenok is the executive director of the IBM Center for The Business of Government and one of the report's authors. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more.

    July 24, 2015
  • The recent surge of cross-agency goals under the Obama Administration is leading to a new way to pay for them. The White House budget plan for 2016 asks Congress to let the Office of Management and Budget transfer money to help agencies with governmentwide goals. Dan Chenok is executive director of the IBM Center for the Business of Government. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained how ideas like these will ever come to pass if they're in a White House budget plan.

    February 04, 2015
  • Good customer service is just one of President Barack Obama's 15 cross-agency priority goals for agency managers in 2015. Dan Chenok is executive director of the IBM Center for the Business of Government. In his Top 3 for 2015, he tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the expectations agencies will have to provide top notch customer service.

    January 14, 2015
  • Today's FEDtalk will feature a roundtable discussion of one of this year's hottest topics - acquisition reform. January 9, 2015

    January 09, 2015
  • The Office of Personnel Management is trying for the fifth time to modernize its technology for processing retirement claims. OPM will choose a foundation for a fully automated system next year. Rick Holgate is Chief Information Officer of the Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and Dan Chenok is senior fellow at the IBM Center for the Business of Government. They're both co-chairs for ACT-IAC. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he explained how agencies like OPM, and others, are planning their IT futures.

    December 10, 2014
  • Dan Chenok, executive director of the IBM Center for the Business of Government and chairman of the Industry Advisory Council, and David Olive of Catalyst Partners count down the week's top federal stories with Francis Rose.

    August 29, 2014
  • A new plan from federal Chief Information officer Steve Van Roekel is supposed to improve Federal IT acquisition. He introduced it at a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing yesterday. Dan Chenok of the IBM Center for the Business of Government was one of the witnesses at the hearing, testifying in his role as executive vice chairman of the Industry Advisory Council, part of ACT IAC. In Depth with Francis Rose asked Chenok what he wanted to convey to the committee.

    May 09, 2014
  • Federal News Radio asked a panel of experts how they would solve the flawed budget process as part of our special report: Now or Never: Ideas to Save the Failing Budget Process. See what they had to say and tell us which ideas you think would work best.

    March 04, 2014
  • On the Federal Drive show blog, you can listen to our interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day, as well as links to other stories and resources we discuss.

    March 04, 2014
  • Agencies must face the fiscal realities of constrained budgets and limited resources. Dan Chenok, the executive director of IBM Center for the Business of Government, says executives need to look across all levels of government to find ways to save costs. Mr. Chenok's column is part of Federal News Radio's special report, Now or Never: Ideas to Save the Failing Budget Process.

    March 04, 2014
  • Dan Chenok, executive director of the IBM Center for the Business of Government, and Frank Reeder, co-founder and director of the Center for Internet Security, count down the week's top stories with host Francis Rose.

    February 21, 2014