Deloitte Consulting

  • No one ever said program management was easy. Especially in aerospace and defense. If it was, the Defense Department wouldn't be dealing with persistent cost and schedule overruns decade after decade. But a new analysis by Deloitte finds that the rate of cost overruns has declined a lot. Robin Lineberger, a Deloitte Consulting principal, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more.

    November 10, 2016
  • This week on “Off the Shelf” Jennifer J. Walcott and Bill Beyer, principals with Deloitte Consulting LLP, discuss strategic opportunities to achieve greater mission support for the federal government through shared services. January 12, 2016

    January 07, 2016
  • The Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) has gone gold. The comment period for FITARA implementation guidance ended, and the next fiscal year is approaching. Now agencies, especially chief information officers, have to set about working the plan. Van Hitch is a senior adviser at Deloitte Consulting and former CIO of the Justice Department. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with some advice in getting right with FITARA.

    July 27, 2015
  • Mort Rosenberg of the Constitution Project details the implications of a recent court ruling on recess appointments by the Obama administration. Cameron Leuthy of Bloomberg Government talks about nine civilian agency programs that look particularly ripe for a little carving. OFPP Administrator Joe Jordan discusses data collection. Al Banghart of Deloitte Consulting LLP discusses why federal agencies and Congress are concerned about the supply chain.

    January 31, 2013
  • The administration detailed a 25-point plan to improve the way agencies buy and manage technology. Current and former government officials say OMB is using lessons learned from the past to set the agencies up for success.

    December 10, 2010
  • By Olivia Branco Federal News Radio Most agencies say it’s important to implement sustainable practices, but some federal executives say their agencies are not making progress when it comes to being green. That’s the finding…

    September 27, 2010
  • OPM\'s new study is focused on workplace flexibility, but what are they hoping to learn?

    July 09, 2010