Department of Health and Human Services

  • Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) has asked OMB Director Shaun Donovan to better police agency spending on public relations.

    October 20, 2015
  • A diverse team within the Health and Human Services Department's Office of Inspector General is using data — and predictive analytics — to identify more than $712 million in false billing.

    October 15, 2015
  • The Health and Human Services Department will accept more teams for the fifth round of its Ignite Accelerator program this fall. HHS employees with ideas on how to make their jobs easier can submit them to the agency's Idea Lab. Finalists spend a few months doing research and working with mentors to perfect their ideas. Read Holman is the program manager for the Ignite Accelerator. He tells Federal News Radio's Nicole Ogrysko why he thinks the response to the program has been strong.

    September 22, 2015
  • The department is about to begin the fifth round of its Ignite Accelerator program, which encourages employees to think outside the box when it comes to improving the way their offices and agencies work.

    September 17, 2015
  • The latest postmortem on the Department of Health and Human Services' struggles with is from the HHS Office of Inspector General. It found serious managerial problems with the development and deployment of the website. Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, shared two key takeaways from the IG's report on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    September 17, 2015
  • Campaign leaders hope a renewed sense of optimism will spur federal employees to dig deep on donations.

    September 03, 2015
  • The lack of privacy and quiet is a nuisance to many federal employees. But those with disabilities see the trend toward shared office space in much starker terms.

    August 24, 2015
  • Agencies are dragging their employees kicking and screaming into open offices, as a Federal News Radio survey uncovered last month. The most wary ones are people with disabilities who need special accommodations to work. Ned Holland is the assistant secretary for administration at Health and Human Services. He tells Federal News Radio's Emily Kopp that HHS is rapidly consolidating its buildings under a White House directive. As it does so, it's turning to open offices.

    August 21, 2015
  • Good things can happen when you bring innovators from across an agency together with outside talent. That's the goal of Health and Human Services's Entrepreneurs-in-Residence program. It pairs external talent with HHS teams on challenges like modernizing organ tracking systems. Greg Downing is the Executive Director for Innovation at HHS. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with more on the program.

    August 12, 2015
  • At the Health and Human Services Department, chief information officers are so concerned with operating IT networks that they skimp on cybersecurity, according to report by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. It says chief information security officers should report to agencies' top lawyers.

    August 07, 2015
  • Federal overseers charged with monitoring the government’s biotoxin safety programs made clear Tuesday that the Army research laboratory which mistakenly sent dozens of batches of live Anthrax to research facilities should have known years ago…

    July 28, 2015
  • The Army laboratory that sent dozens of batches of live Anthrax to research facilities by accident should have known for years that something was wrong with their protocols for handling biotoxins. The Department of Health and Human Services has identified at least four serious safety violations by Dugway Proving Ground over the last decade and issued several citations. More from Federal News Radio’s DoD reporter Jared Serbu.

    July 28, 2015
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services claims its Fraud Prevention System did its job last year, saving $454 million in improper and fraudulent payments to medical providers. But the Inspector General at Health and Human Services, CMS' parent department, isn't so sure. It says a more realistic estimate is about one third of that, or closer to $133 million. Richard Navarro is the audit manager in Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain this discrepancy.

    July 23, 2015
  • As more and more agencies hire chief data officers, the question arises, what’s the difference between data and information? And where does the chief information officer fit into the discussion? In the first part of our special report, Deconstructing the CDO, federal CIOs and CDOs agree there is room for both as agencies mature their use and understanding of data.

    July 07, 2015