Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • After a RFI and two industry days, the agency is preparing one or more solicitations to move its technology backbone to the cloud. HUD also is taking advantage of the TechStat sessions to improve the oversight and management of its ongoing IT projects.

    July 04, 2011
  • Schlosser comes to OMB from EPA where she will take over for Mike Howell, who left in November. Schlosser also served as CIO of HUD and worked on cybersecurity at Transportation.

    June 01, 2011
  • GAO found many agencies will fall short of the June 30 deadline to determine if they are using service contractors appropriately.

    May 27, 2011
  • Peter Grace, director of Office of Strategic Planning and Management at the Department of Urban and Housing Development, discusses how agencies can improve efficiency, effectiveness and performance.

    May 06, 2011
  • The morale of workers is on the rise after recent events highlighted the work the government does, officials say. Agencies also are taking specific steps to address employee challenges in their own agencies. DoT Secretary Ray LaHood said \"pot shots\" at employees is unacceptable.

    May 04, 2011
  • OPM Director Berry said agencies are commenting on the rules to implement President Obama\'s executive order to bring college graduates more easily into the government. Berry also wants Congress to change the law so feds who want to retire can phase in their exit and act as mentors.

    May 04, 2011
  • Ken Donohue is a principal at the Reznick Group, and former Inspector General at HUD. He talks about who did what to get that number down so low.

    May 02, 2011
  • The agency plans to follow the model credit card companies use to identify potential problems on the front end instead of trying to chase down the money after the fact. CMS accounts for about 46 percent of all improper payments across the government. Overall, OMB wants to reduce the governmentwide error rate to 4.18 percent by 2013.

    March 24, 2011
  • A council working group will deliver recommendations and options to the Office of Personnel Management for how to improve the way managers rate employee performance. OPM Director John Berry said appraisals need to be simplified and happen more frequently.

    March 17, 2011
  • A council working group will deliver recommendations and options to the Office of Personnel Management for how to improve the way managers rate employee performance. OPM Director John Berry said appraisals need to be simplified and happen more frequently.

    March 17, 2011
  • Federal News Radio surveyed 10 agencies to find out how they are preparing for a shutdown, and how operating under a continuing resolution is affecting their operations.

    March 03, 2011
  • As CFO for HUD, Doug Criscitello is responsible for overseeing the financial management practices that ensure the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development meets the needs of the housing community. He tells Federal News Radio that\'s not so easy.

    February 17, 2011
  • The departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development have partnered to conduct a more thorough analysis of the nation\'s homeless veteran population. The agencies said the new data will allow them to get the right services to the vets who need them.

    February 10, 2011
  • In our continuing quest to find out how agencies are currently using the cloud and how they plan to use it in the future, Federal News Radio caught up with Chris Neidermayer, deputy chief information officer for the Department of Housing and Urban Development. In light of the Office of Management and Budget’s cloud-first policy, [...]

    February 08, 2011