• A Defense comptroller reported wrongdoing at the Defense Information Systems Agency and was removed from his position. Now, Sens. Chuck Grassley and Mark Warner want Defense Secretary Ash Carter to launch a full investigation. They say Jimaye Sones\' demotion from comptroller to working on accounting software is a clear case of whistleblower retaliation. As part of this week\'s Legal Loop, Lynne Bernabei, a partner at the law firm Bernabei and Watchel, joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to further explore this case.

    April 30, 2015
  • The Defense Department is creating a single shared-services office for all commodity information technology for the Washington metro area and placing it under the Defense Information Systems Agency.

    April 13, 2015
  • The Department of Navy\'s Cyber Fleet Command is among the first military services to recognize the need to operationalize cyber along with traditional weapons. DISA Director Gen. Ronnie Hawkins said the Joint Regional Security Stacks (JRSS) should move into a cyber range to test the security architecture against real-world attack simulations.

    April 08, 2015
  • A new secure online collaboration tool is up and running at the Defense Department. The open source solution enables access card users to chat, message and conference securely with others around the world. Karl Kurz is the program manager for Defense Collaboration Services at the Defense Information Systems Agency. He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to explain more about the new tool and what came before it.

    March 09, 2015
  • The Defense Department will shut off its widely-used Defense Connect Online service in June, and is telling all of its users to transition to a new DISA-provided service before then. But the vendor behind DCO thinks users are hooked, and will continue to provide it for a fee.

    February 20, 2015
  • The Defense Department's National Information Assurance Partnership's (NIAP) protection profile will be the governmentwide standard for agencies to use when ensuring the security of mobile apps. The Mobile Technology Tiger Team recommended the NIAP approach because of the collaboration and coordination across government and with industry.

    February 19, 2015
  • Bajinder Paul, who spent the last 17 months as the Federal Trade Commission's chief information officer, now is with the Federal Reserve Bank.

    February 02, 2015
  • Pentagon CIO sees renewed vigor in DoD's cloud migration path as an opportunity to raise the bar for the nation's overall cybersecurity, telling vendors he wants a much closer partnership with commercial cloud providers.

    January 30, 2015
  • The Pentagon led the way for the rest of the government by implementing two-factor authentication across many of its systems. But plenty of important IT infrastructure still relies on a "reckless" system that depends on passwords alone for authentication.

    January 28, 2015
  • Earlier this month, the Defense Information Systems Agency announced a major reorganization. It says the changes would help drive cybersecurity into everything the agency does. But DISA will never have unlimited resources, so it's now moving toward a "risk management" approach to cybersecurity: Accepting risk in some areas so that it can make sure that what really matters is highly secure. The risk management executive is a new position within the agency's organizational chart. DISA Risk Management Executive Mark Orndorff talked about the new cyber philosophy with Federal News Radio DoD Reporter Jared Serbu.

    January 27, 2015
  • Mark Orndorff, risk management executive & chief information officer for the Defense Information Systems Agency, joins Federal News Radio for a free online chat to discuss his agency's new risk management organization and DoD's evolving approach to cybersecurity.

    January 27, 2015
  • Defense Information Systems Agency's top cybersecurity official, Mark Orndorff, will join us for both a radio interview and a live online chat this week.

    January 26, 2015
  • The Defense Information Services Agency has reorganized its services to be more customer focus and have accountability over what technology they provide.

    January 23, 2015
  • Long-time and well-respected cybersecurity executive Mark Orndorff is calling it a government career on Jan. 31.

    January 19, 2015