Education Department

  • New portal allows teachers and educators from across the country to come together in one place.

    June 24, 2010
  • The Senate is now considering a bill, approved last week by the House, designed to help the nation\'s electrical grid evolve into an enhanced Smart Grid which would help protect itself from cyber-attacks. In addition, however, the Smart Grid is also expected to help the nation do a better job of managing our electrical resources. A group of federal employees recently talked about their role in developing the Smart Grid.

    June 15, 2010
  • 500 performance improvement leaders from across the Department of Defense, including Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Agencies and activities, and federal government agencies get ready to gather and compare notes, and you\'re invited! We get details from J. D. Sicilia, the director of the Defense Department\'s Lean Six Sigma Program Office.

    May 18, 2010
  • The Senate is now considering one of several cybersecurity bills now making their way through the U.S. Congress. The principal co-author of one bill spoke to a software industry group holding a cybersecurity forum at the Newseum yesterday.

    April 30, 2010
  • Learn more in today\'s Ask the CIO preview.

    April 14, 2010
  • After more than two years of review, the Department of Energy\'s National Nuclear Security Administration has announced its new acquisition strategy decision for key contracts. We get details from Patty Wagner, site office manager at Sandia National Laboratories

    April 14, 2010
  • The CIO at the Department of Education says his goal is to make the application of technology more efficient. April 15, 2010

    April 12, 2010
  • The Department of Energy is awarding nearly $100 million for 54 smart grid workforce training programs that Secretary Steven Chu says will help prepare the next generation of workers in the utility and electrical manufacturing industries. The projects will leverage more than $95 million in funding from community colleges, universities, utilities and manufacturers to develop and implement training programs that will train approximately 30-thousand Americans in an effort to modernize the nation\'s electrical grid, and implement smart grid technologies in communities across the country. The programs will focus on training activities that support electricians, line workers, technicians, system operators, power system engineers, cyber security specialists and transmission planners. The funding builds on more than $4 billion in Recovery Act funding for smart grid deployment and demonstration projects nationally.

    April 09, 2010
  • Alan P. Balutis Director and Distinguished Fellow Cisco Business Solutions Group

    April 08, 2010
  • Cyber threats like the ConFicker worm have pushed government to respond swiftly, but experts say those fixes eventually wear off like Band-Aids® . So the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is working to…

    September 28, 2009
  • Federal education officials — as well as leaders in education, research, and development — are out in New Mexico this week for a summit on the future of public education. The three-day summit, Unleashing Knowledge…

    August 11, 2009
  • Paul Scheihing Technology Manager Department of Energy April 14th, 2009

    April 14, 2009
  • Cost-type contracts nearly double over the last eight years.

    April 13, 2009
  • There’s a fresh push to create a brand new agency to manage the nation’s nuclear labs. Right now, they belong to the Energy Department, but the Stimson Center wants that to change. They’ve released a…

    March 19, 2009