• The General Services Administration says it's working through a series of legislative and regulatory changes that would help agencies buy cloud computing services as a "utility."

    November 16, 2016
  • August is usually a slow time for federal procurement, but Roger Waldron, president of the Coalition for Government Procurement, says that's not the case this year.

    August 05, 2016
  • The Office of Personnel Management's Office of the Inspector General has issued a management alert warning that the agency's procurement process for certain benefits is outdated, creates a conflict of interest and could cause taxpayers to overpay on services.

    October 27, 2015
  • Commentary: Giles Kesteloot, director of the Blackstone Technology Group, argues that in a complex multi-contract, multi-customer and multi-vendor cloud ecosystem someone has to oversee execution and manage expectations.

    June 23, 2015
  • Federal contractors are taking a magnifying glass to the fine print in their contracts with the government. Or they should be. The General Services Administration has proposed a set of rules known as class deviation. In a nutshell, it wants all contracts expunged of boilerplate clauses that run against the Federal Acquisition Regulation. Joe Petrillo is a partner at the law firm Petrillo and Powell. In this morning's Legal Loop, he joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain more about what GSA hopes to do.

    April 02, 2015
  • Reverse auctions are overused, underregulated and might be a monopoly, according to recent testimony on Capitol Hill.

    March 20, 2015
  • It may sound odd, but source selection officials have the authority to use more than one selection approach within a single procurement. And it looks like they're using that authority more often. You can find this authority in an often-overlooked section of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, FAR Part 15.101. Procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo of the law firm Petrillo and Powell joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more on how this works and what it means.

    March 19, 2015
  • Can we talk? That's what government and industry have been asking for decades. The answer is yes, and there's plenty of Federal Acquisition Regulation backup for that. Yet the administration thought it needed to launch the mythbusters initiative to get industry and government talking at the pre-solicitation stage. That was followed by last year's Open Dialog initiative. How's it all working? Millisa Gary, the procurement ombudsman at the General Services Administration, joined Tom Temin and Emily Kopp on the Federal Drive to offer some answers.

    March 03, 2015
  • John Gilroy hosts a roundtable discussion of healthcare IT and how it relates to federal IT professionals and the whole acquisition process. October 7, 2014

    October 07, 2014
  • The Federal Acquisition Regulation gets in the way of innovative information technology acquisition in government, according to many industry leaders and even some agency IT leaders. Some experts believe the FAR can be, and should be, your friend for innovative procurement. A panel of experts addressed that idea at NextGov Prime 2014 with Dave McClure of the Veris Group, Joanne Woytek of NASA SEWP, Jaymie Durnan of the Defense Department and Karen Evans of the US Cyber Challenge. McClure tells Federal News Radio's Francis Rose how the process that exists now is perceived.

    September 09, 2014
  • Some federal IT leaders cite the Federal Acquisition Regulations as the biggest obstacle to getting innovative technology deployed at their agencies. That concept was just one covered at the "Advancing Procurement at the Pace of Technological Change: Why Government Will (or Won't) Fix Procurement" panel at NextGov Prime 2014 Monday. Federal News Radio's Francis Rose moderated the discussion with Frank McNally, content developer at ASI Government; Joe Jordan, president of public sector at FedBid and former administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy; Kaitlin Devine, innovation specialist at the General Services Administration; and Shawn Kingsberry, chief information officer at the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board. To start the panel off, Joe Jordan tells Francis whether that perception of FAR as obstacle is fair.

    September 08, 2014
  • Although agency compliance with evaluating and reporting on contractor performance has improved 17 percent overall in the past year, the majority of agencies have not met the targets set by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, according to a new audit by the Government Accountability Office.

    August 11, 2014
  • Improving acquisition compliance and ethics may involve less rulemaking and more culture shaping according to panelists at the National Contract Management Association's World Congress conference. At the conference, agency leaders discussed the need to streamline and pursue innovative approaches to federal acquisition policies.

    July 30, 2014
  • Federal agencies that want cheap web design and app developer contracts face a potentially large roadblock called the the Federal Acquisition Regulation. One reason is a part of the FAR that can limit how numerous (and how cheap) an agency's IT options are. Steve Kelman is professor of public management at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He said those requirements are scaring smaller companies away from competing for those types of IT contracts on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    July 21, 2014