Gene Dodaro

  • In the federal government, they wield spreadsheets, strive for \"clean audit opinions\", and are the first line of defense in accounting for the spending of taxpayer dollars. \"They\" are the top federal CFOs and financial managers, and yesterday, they met here in Washington to discuss their profession.

    March 24, 2010
  • Proper implementation of Chief Management Officer is key to improvements

    March 12, 2009
  • The Defense Department has more areas on the bi-annual high risk list than any other agency. The reasons, according to Acting Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, are three-fold, but they all point back to one thing:…

    March 12, 2009
  • The GAO is sharing years of information they’ve learned about federal agencies with the next administration. Among the advice they’re giving is a list of the top urgent issues for the next president, management challenges…

    November 07, 2008