When looking at which programs to cut, ask yourself what the results and what have the costs been. That from an expert on the art and science of regulations, the Mercatus Center\'s Jerry Ellig.
While the recommendations from the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform didn\'t pass, we may not have seen the end of them. Jason Fichtner, senior research fellow with the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, joins us with more.
The Fiscal Commission issued its final set of recommendations detailing several that would affect federal employees. The panel suggested reducing the federal workforce by 200,000 employees over the next five years, changing the FEHB to a defined contribution premium program and several other short term changes.
How much mail would the USPS have to handle to turn a profit? We get an update about a recent study from Renee Sheehy, an economist with the Office of the Inspector General at the Postal Service
One professor explains why DoD needs to be concerned about using social media.
OMB developing data standards to reduce strain on governmentwide systems