When managers make bad decision, the result can lead to disaster. That's the case at NASA, where dealing with management problems has become the norm at the Government Accountability Office.
The Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process has helped the military when Congress allows it. But the BRAC process might help the VA with its realignment.
The Government Accountability Office has been tracking IRS technology investment performance for the same 25 years. How are things looking in fiscal 2018?
Last year, nearly all of the 24 big departments and agencies had problems with cybersecurity in all of the control areas, according to a new GAO report.
GAO found that most CFO Act agencies still have major weaknesses in information security areas like access control, and have not implemented hundreds of GAO and IG recommendations.
The ruling only addresses the year-long contract, not the most recent short-term bridge contract between Equifax and IRS.
The suspension means taxpayers cannot create new online accounts using Secure Access.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is asking for a $187 million adjustment to fiscal 2018 levels to help with immediate challenges.
NIST recently completed a "security sprint" and is implementing lessons learned.
On this episode of CyberChat, host Sean Kelley, former chief information security officer at the Environmental Protection Agency and deputy chief information officer at the Veterans Affairs Department, addresses medical device cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity issues surrounding SEC's Edgar system led to a lengthy memo by GAO director of information security Greg Wilshusen
IRS officials say they are following a technology road map and a digital roadmap to modernize the agency's IT infrastructure.
For some folks, the idea of a ban on burrowing makes a lot of sense. The problem is that solving one problem creates another.
The Defense Department's contracts get hung up at the Defense Contract Audit Agency, where it takes more than two years on average to close a contract.
Not all agencies are ready for when Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions program replaces Networx, after it expires.