House of Representatives

  • Democrats control the White House and the Senate, while Republicans call the shots in the House. So what impact has divided government had on federal workers? Some people think things could be a whole lot worse if one party ran all three operations at the same time, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    April 26, 2012
  • The House is expected to vote on — and pass — the bipartisan Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, which aims to save taxpayer money by tracking spending by federal agencies.

    April 25, 2012
  • Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) is calling for the General Services Administration to stop paying an official at the center of the conference spending scandal.

    April 24, 2012
  • The administration has tried to get in front of the debate over the information sharing aspects of one of the cybersecurity bills up for debate in the House Thursday. Democratic lawmakers and industry groups expressed concern over the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) arguing its provisions on what information is to be shared and with whom are too broad.

    April 23, 2012
  • The provision is one of many in a new bill passed out of a House committee last week to boost customer service at federal agencies. The Federal Customer Service Enhancement Act — or H.R. 538 — would direct the Office of Management and Budget to set customer service standards and name someone to be a customer relations representative at each agency.

    April 23, 2012
  • Four cybersecurity bills will be considered in the House next week, calling for more coordination in developing unclassified computer networks and in writing cybersecurity standards.

    April 20, 2012
  • The Homeland Security Committee passed the Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information Sharing Act.

    April 19, 2012
  • Current and former General Services Administration this week faced tough questioning from lawmakers on a $823,000 tab to taxpayers for a 2010 conference in Las Vegas. But this example of lavish spending is only the latest incident in the "horrible track record" at GSA and raises the question if the agency needs to be restructured — or dismantled altogether, argues one lawmaker.

    April 19, 2012
  • In a rare bipartisan move, the House oversight committee voted to bring a bill allowing phased retirements of federal employees to the floor for a general vote.

    April 19, 2012
  • The House Committee on Homeland Security will mark up the Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information Sharing Effectiveness Act of 2011 today. All members of the House got a snapshot of the nation's cyber threats yesterday in an interagency briefing.

    April 18, 2012
  • A former General Services Administration executive created a culture of lavish spending — and fear among his employees who spoke up against him — according to testimony in a House subcommittee hearing today.

    April 17, 2012
  • Oversight and Government Reform Committee subpoenas Jeff Neely, PBS region 9 commissioner, to appear. Along with Neely, PBS Deputy Commissioner David Foley and former Administrator Martha Johnson are on the witness list. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee also is expected to hear from GSA Deputy Administrator Susan Brita, CFO Alison Doone and event planner Lisa Daniels.

    April 16, 2012
  • Current and former officials at the General Services Administration will face a gauntlet of congressional hearings this week, following reports of excessive spending on a 2010 regional training conference and other programs. In an interview on In Depth with Francis Rose, former Virginia Congressman and Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Tom Davis shared his insights and what to look for during the hearings.

    April 15, 2012
  • Bipartisan legislation in the Senate aims to streamline the elimination of excess federal properties by setting up a council within agencies and the Office of Management and Budget and creating government-wide property disposal goals.

    March 12, 2012