identity management

  • August 12th, 2010 at 11 AM How does one assure trust in Cyberspace? As citizens, government, and business enterprise increase the amount of information that is shared online, fundamental questions arise around security requirements, data and identity management, and infrastructure. Trusted online environments can reduce costs, expand services, and are critical to protecting how, and to whom, information is shared. Securing identities in transactions is an essential component to building trusted online systems and a critical priority for both business and government. As online information sharing and collaborative services evolve between people and technologies, will trust emerge as the next \"Killer App\"?

    August 02, 2010
  • IG: pilot information is at risk, Billions to be spent on smartgrid cybersecurity

    June 28, 2010
  • Cyber coordinator Schmidt says the administration will issue a draft national strategy for secure online transactions by Friday. The goal is to make identity management easy to use, secure and interoperable to conduct business with the government and the private sector. Schmidt says transactions are key to everything the White House wants to do.

    June 23, 2010
  • Department to lead the roll out of a federated identity management system for all law enforcement agencies. Justice ran a pilot and now plans on expanding the system nationwide by the end of 2010. The goal is to use technology that already exists and focus on standards and policies.

    April 21, 2010
  • Aired Wednesday, July 15th at 2:05pm With the recent decision by the Federal government to move to a Cloud Computing environment, the role of verifying the identity of an authorized user as well as defining their rights once inside the cloud presents a series of opportunities as well as challenges.

    June 30, 2009
  • Identity theft is scary to most people and the crime seems to be increasing, rather than tapering off. That’s why the Identity Theft Resource Center has been tracking security breaches for the past three years,…

    January 08, 2009