Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board

  • Deputy secretaries now get quarterly scorecards on how their agency is meeting four IT security priorities, including continuous monitoring of agency networks and secure identity cards. Howard Schmidt, the White House cyber coordinator, said the goal is to increase accountability and make sure agencies are putting enough focus on these areas. Schmidt said he is also developing priorities for 2012, which includes getting cybersecurity legislation passed.

    October 28, 2011
  • Charles Romine has been selected to replace Furlani as the head of the NIST IT lab.

    October 27, 2011
  • White House cyber coordinator says using secure identity cards and working more closely with industry among his top short term priorities. He says a new strategy to secure online transactions also is on track for the President\'s signature this fall. And he\'s closely watching Capitol Hill as Senate lawmakers may be close to completing draft of consolidated cyber bill.

    August 09, 2010
  • After more than 9 years, the Office of Management and Budget is about to revise its original policy banning the use of web cookies, or tracking software, on federal websites. The change is expected to help federal web managers better run their sites, and also offer the same kinds of user experiences now commonplace on commercial and private-sector websites.

    July 27, 2009
  • Notice likely to be published in Monday\'s federal register. White House wants comments on new rules.

    July 24, 2009
  • The emphasis on transparency is creating a convergence of privacy, security, and transparency policy. Former DHS Chief Privacy Officer Hugo Teufel told me about sorting out the three challenges, and striking the right balance among…

    June 03, 2009
  • The government’s privacy law was written 35 years ago in 1974. A lot has changed since then. One group has made suggestions on updating that law. Ari Schwartz is Vice President and COO of the…

    June 01, 2009
  • OMB drafting new guidance to let agencies use function to better understand citizen Web behavior. Draft policy includes opt-in option.

    May 28, 2009