Marine Corps

  • The Department of Navy\'s Cyber Fleet Command is among the first military services to recognize the need to operationalize cyber along with traditional weapons. DISA Director Gen. Ronnie Hawkins said the Joint Regional Security Stacks (JRSS) should move into a cyber range to test the security architecture against real-world attack simulations.

    April 08, 2015
  • The Defense Department's inspector general has reversed its findings on the Marine Corps' 2012 schedule of budgetary activity, saying the clean opinion it first issued is no longer to be relied upon. The 2012 SBA had been the first successful financial audit for any of the military departments.

    March 24, 2015
  • The new maritime strategy for the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard relies on four key tenets that shape how the services will face future challenges. Bryan McGrath, a former naval officer, is managing director of the FerryBridge Group, and assistant director of the Hudson Center for American Seapower. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said those four ideas will not only cause debate among strategy purists in the defense community, but they also cement the legacy of Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathon Greeenert.

    March 16, 2015
  • Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said he's open to considering changes to the retirement plans for members of the military. The military compensation and retirement modernization commission has submitted its recommendations to the the secretary's office. Retired Marine Lt. Gen. Jack Klimp is president and CEO of the National Association for Uniformed Services. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he said the commission's work may be a good starting point for the discussion.

    February 26, 2015
  • Bloomberg Government analysts Robert levinson and Cameron Leuthy join host Roger Waldron to to talk about what's in the fiscal year 2016 defense budget. February 24, 2015

    February 24, 2015
  • The Navy and Marine Corps are investing millions of dollars in unmanned helicopters, jeeps and ships, which sound like they're right out of science fiction novels. The scientists and technologists were in full geek mode as they discussed the next generation vehicles and weapons at the recent Naval Future Force Science and Technology Expo in Washington. Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller visited the expo and spoke with several of the people behind the new innovations.

    February 09, 2015
  • Right out of a science fiction novel, the Navy and Marine Corps are investing millions of dollars in unmanned helicopters, jeeps and boats. The scientists and technologists were in full geek mode as they discussed the next generation of vehicles and weapons at the recent Naval Future Force Science and Technology Expo. Federal News Radio's executive editor Jason Miller visited the expo. On the Federal Drive with Tom Temin, he shared some of the descriptions the experts behind these technology innovations gave him.

    February 09, 2015
  • Maj. Gen. Vincent Stewart will take over as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency on Jan. 23, replacing interim director David Shedd, a former CIA official.

    January 14, 2015
  • Enlisted Navy and Marine Corps service members have a new, easier route to medical school. It's called the Enlisted-to-Medical Degree Preparatory Program. It puts them on equal footing with counterparts in the Army and Air Force. Dr. Art Kellermann is Dean of the F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to explain how the new program works.

    January 02, 2015
  • The 114th Congress convenes next week, and the budget moves they should make early on are clear to a number of defense experts. One of them is retired U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Arnold Punaro, the chief executive officer of the Punaro Group. In his Top 3 for 2015, he tells In Depth with Francis Rose why dealing with the sequester, the debt and the deficit should be the top priority.

    December 29, 2014
  • Jeffrey Cathey and Lewis Runnion with Bank of America will discuss how the company is helping veterans find jobs in the private sector after they complete their military service. December 26, 2014

    December 26, 2014
  • Maureen Casey with JP Morgan Chase and Company, and the Rand Corporation's Dr. Margaret Harrell, join host Derrick Dortch to talk about a new report that looks at lessons learned from a program that helps veterans find jobs in private sector. December 19, 2014

    December 19, 2014
  • President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama helped sort donated gifts on Wednesday at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling as part of the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots campaign.

    December 11, 2014
  • Many members of the Marine Corps who currently have access to a government-issued BlackBerry had better start weaning themselves off as the Pentagon pushes a bring-your-own-device approach.

    November 24, 2014