network modernization

  • Two feds who have experience moving to the cloud offered up lessons learned from their experience, including the one thing that makes all the difference.

    August 04, 2016
  • Some believe federal networks seem to be in a perpetual state of disruption over the last 20 years. First agencies moved from the mainframe to the client server set-up. As soon as agencies seemed to have gotten this client-server approach down, in comes the managed services, which morphed really into cloud computing and the as-a-service approach to running networks. Now, we are in a third phase, some call it software-defined networking. Others say it’s part of the cloud evolution where the software running the network is really in charge and not the hardware.

    July 08, 2016
  • Michael Jeffries, the chief information officer of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, said version 2 of the agency’s e-file system is based on user feedback and needs.

    May 19, 2016
  • The internet is getting more complex as more devices come on board, so to speak. The threats to agency and organization’s networks, applications and data also are evolving--the latest example is ransomware.

    All of this is leading uncertainty from users and executives about how best to secure the network and data.

    May 02, 2016
  • CIO Lt. Gen. Susan Lawrence said better systems at posts, camps and stations will let soldiers train on the same equipment as they use in the field. The move to the cloud, data center consolidation and enterprise email are pushing the Army toward a data-centric approach. May 31, 2012

    May 31, 2012