Office of Special Counsel

  • Federal employees increasingly perceive less agency wrongdoing but that doesn't necessarily mean the threat of retaliation for reporting such misconduct has similarly decreased, according to a new Merit System Protection Board report.

    November 15, 2011
  • House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved H.R. 3029, which would cut the workforce by 10 percent by September 2014.

    November 03, 2011
  • After the Office of Special Counsel intervened on their behalf, two federal whistleblowers won a 45-day stay on personnel actions taken against them.

    October 14, 2011
  • The Office of the Special Counsel wants to see the law governing the political activity of federal employees updated. Carolyn Lerner, head of the OSC, told Federal News Radio the law is outdated and has led to unintended consequences. The act was created in 1939 when "typewriters were about the most advanced means of communication," Lerner said.

    October 12, 2011
  • The Office of Special Counsel is seeking to halt adverse personnel actions against two federal whistleblowers. Both employees were placed on unpaid administrative leave after they blew the whistle at their agencies.

    October 11, 2011
  • The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee today approved the nomination of Heather Higginbottom to be deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget.

    March 16, 2011
  • Karla Saunders alleges the agency violated her civil rights and she was a victim of reprisals. SBA declines to comment.

    March 11, 2011
  • Carolyn Lerner plans to improve the Office of Special Counsel if confirmed following the agencies two-year span without a Senate confirmed leader.

    March 10, 2011
  • The former government protector of whistle-blowers who admitted to criminally withholding information from Congress asked a judge to withdraw his guilty plea to avoid mandatory jail time. Attorney Debra Roth explains what\'s going on.

    February 24, 2011
  • In part 3 of Federal News Radio\'s exclusive investigative series \"Discouraged and Disrespected at SBA,\" Karla Saunders weighs her options to find resolution in her three-year battle against alleged retaliation. Saunders and three other agency employees say they want to return to their original jobs and restore their reputations. SBA officials say the agency is focusing on strengthening management and oversight.

    February 09, 2011
  • In part 2 of the special investigative series, Diane Sellers said she faced another round of retaliation just this past January when management moved her into a new position without cause. Sellers and two other career agency officials say they are facing a hostile work environment because they blew the whistle on potential misconduct. SBA says there is no evidence of HR violations or creating phony positions.

    February 08, 2011
  • By Jolie Lee Federal News Radio Scott Bloch, the former head of the Office of Special Counsel in the Bush administration, may get a chance to avoid going to prison. Federal prosecutors on Tuesday ordered…

    February 07, 2011
  • In part one of the exclusive Federal News Radio series, Karla Saunders says SBA management continues to exact revenge against her for testifying on behalf of another employee about agency misconduct. Saunders says among the reprisals she has faced over the past three years is officials put her in two jobs involuntarily that she has no qualifications for. SBA officials deny any wrongdoing and say the administrator has no tolerance for waste, fraud, abuse or mismanagement.

    February 07, 2011
  • The president announcement his intent to nominate Carolyn Lerner to the Office of Special Counsel.

    December 16, 2010