Office of Management and Budget

  • The Office of Management and Budget chose four ideas out of 18,000 entries that will save the government money. The winner will get to meet President Obama and present their idea. Voting starts today.

    November 08, 2010
  • The memo is part of a broader effort to improve authentication to computers and buildings across government using secure identity cards. The White House also is close to finalizing the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace. President Obama could sign the strategy this winter.

    November 05, 2010
  • Agencies are laying the foundation for the use of cloud computing in the government. Officials are marking their progress in smaller steps instead of big strides.

    November 05, 2010
  • AFGE, NTEU lead discussion to broaden discussion about telecommuting to more than just during emergencies. The White House is working on a new governmentwide telework policy. AFGE wants to add telework options into new bargaining agreements.

    November 04, 2010
  • It\'s been more than nine months since the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative began with the intent to reduce energy usage, lower IT costs and improve security. And some federal agencies are discovering that it\'s difficult to reduce spending without putting some money upfront first. NASA is just one of the federal agencies trying to [...]

    November 03, 2010
  • The White House is offering a peek into its plans for the coming months as Barack Obama enters the third year of his presidency. Chief Performance Officer Jeffrey Zients discussed the future at the Excellence in Government conference Monday.

    November 02, 2010
  • There\'s a push to expand the use of tools designed to give federal Web managers a better idea of just who is using agency websites. The goal is to improve the Web experience for citizens.

    October 29, 2010
  • GSA is ramping up cloud computing, preparing the next two governmentwide contracts for cloud computing. Agency issues notice that a RFP could be issued by early 2011. GSA also considering geospatial platform-as-a-service offering later next year.

    October 26, 2010
  • Federal CIO Kundra said an upcoming conference will help agencies share and find best practices for prioritizing data sets. Departments are struggling to meet stake holder demands for opening up data. Kundra said more and more these data sets are leading to third party applications.

    October 26, 2010
  • In the world of federal information technology, the buzz is around \"agile acquisition\". Led by the Office of Management and Budget, agency chief information officers are being asked to build IT modernization in smaller, more modular programs -- and for less money. Federal News Radio\'s Max Cacas brings the latest from the AFCEA luncheon.

    October 22, 2010
  • The backlog of claims by federal employees who are retiring is growing larger. OPM said it takes more than 100 days to process a claim. OPM Director John Berry said the agency is increasing the claims processing staff and looking at ways technology can improve the process.

    October 20, 2010
  • Vendors still must go through the cybersecurity certification and accreditation process before they can offer these infrastructure services. This is the first award under the federal cloud computing initiative. All of these services will be available through the platform.

    October 20, 2010
  • The DC Office of Chief Technology Officer starts a Results-Only Work Environment, GovLoop and American Progress report.

    October 18, 2010
  • Increasing efficiency is one of the Obama administration\'s top initiatives and achieving that goal relies, at least in part, to consolidating data centers. Richard Fishera with Forrester Research explains the process.

    October 18, 2010
  • The administration conducts its first set of reviews of the three-to-eight high priority goals each agency set last year. OMB is encouraging agencies to conduct their own reviews in order to keep focus on meeting the objectives. All agency performance information eventually will be made public through a new portal,

    October 15, 2010