open season

  • The health insurance open season has been extended. FederalNewsRadio listeners and readers got the first alert last Friday. So what does it mean? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey provides a checklist.

    December 09, 2008
  • What are your odds of making it through next year without a financially catastrophic illness or accident in your family? Check out today\'s Federal Report for your 2009 Survival Kit.

    November 17, 2008
  • We’re one week into Open Season. Have you taken a look at your health care options yet? You may want to. Premiums for some plans are going up. Ed Zurndorfer, registered employee benefit consultant, joins…

    November 14, 2008
  • Open Season started on Monday — but what does that really mean for you? PlanSmartChoice is a free website that helps federal employees figure out what the best choices are for themselves when it comes…

    November 12, 2008