Office of Personnel Management

  • Hispanics accounted for more than eight in 100 civilian federal employees in 2011. The minority group also made gains in the Senior Executive Service and represented the third largest ethnic group in the federal government.

    July 27, 2012
  • The federal government now employs more full-time workers with disabilities than it has at any time over the past 20 years, according to a new report from the Office of Personnel Management. President Barack Obama pledged in 2010 to hire 100,00 additional people with disabilities over the next five years. While the Government Accountability Office reported in May the government was not on track to meet that goal, the director of OPM, John Berry, said the new report shows agencies are "moving smartly" toward fulfilling it.

    July 26, 2012
  • OPM has requested agencies review their pay scales and decide whether to make adjustments for fiscal 2013.

    July 25, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management is planning changes to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, by proposing to allow children up to age 26 to stay covered by their parents' FEHBP plans. The rule would also apply to children of same-sex domestic partners enrolled in the program. In a separate final rule published in the Federal Register, OPM announced child-care subsidies provided by agencies would also be expanded to include the children of same-sex domestic partners. That rule goes into effect Friday.

    July 20, 2012
  • The revised Cybersecurity Act of 2012 removes DHS from having sole oversight authority of critical infrastructure and shares the responsibility across an interagency council. The bill also would make the implementation of cyber standards by critical infrastructure operators voluntary. The legislation encourages an incentive-based program.

    July 20, 2012
  • The initiative aims to provide federal employees with college credit for certain agency-created human resources classes. Federal employees could apply the courses toward degrees at colleges and universities.

    July 17, 2012
  • The federal government has issued more than 4.8 million security clearances to federal civilians, military service members and contractors. But the process for determining what positions require clearances amounts to little more than a "hodge-podge" across agencies, an official with the Government Accountability Office told Federal News Radio.

    July 16, 2012
  • Stephen Shih, deputy associate director of Executive Resources & Employee Development at the Office of Personnel Management, was nominated for designing a new performance appraisal system for the Senior Executive Service.

    July 16, 2012
  • John Palguta, vice president of Policy at the Partnership for Public Service talks about efforts to bring in young workers to the federal government, and whether telework is a viable option for some federal employees. July 13, 2012(Encore presentation August 3, 2012)

    July 13, 2012
  • When the power company announces that 98 percent of its customers have had their electricity restored it means that 2 percent are still in the dark. Thanks to an upsurge in retirements some federal retirees are experiencing a long wait in getting full benefits, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    July 13, 2012
  • The system will automatically collect information about how often federal employees telework and for how long. The change will paint a more accurate, detailed picture of federal employees' teleworking habits.

    July 12, 2012
  • Some managers find it difficult to lead employees working outside of the building. But hesitant leaders can find comfort in setting realistic expectations based on information gathered while employees are in the office.

    July 10, 2012
  • Who are the "problem teleworkers?" Is a certain age group more likely to abuse the privilege of teleworking? Take the poll and tell us if you believe a particular age group is the most likely to abuse teleworking?

    July 09, 2012
  • DoD attracts and retains more employees through an increased involvement in the student loan repayment program.

    July 05, 2012
  • For the third straight month, the Office of Personnel Management received fewer federal retirement claims than projected, according to monthly federal retirement data. OPM also met its processing goals for the month and the longstanding backlog of claims has fallen by 21 percent since January.

    July 05, 2012