
  • The Russian government has sentenced one of it\'s citizens to a maximum security prison on espionage charges. Gennady Sipachev is charged with spying for the Pentagon. Investigators claim Sipachev sent secret maps belonging to the Russian Army General Staff to a Pentagon intelligence unit acting under the cover of a mapping business. The Russians claim the U.S. was planning to use the maps to adjust the guidance systems on cruise missiles.

    May 17, 2010
  • The Senate is considering a $60 billion that incorporates $30 billion for President Barack Obama\'s troop surge in Afghanistan with more than $5 billion to replenish disaster aid accounts, provide Haitian earthquake relief, and make a down payment on aid to flood-drenched Tennessee and Rhode Island. The Associate Press reports the must-pass legislation is the only appropriations bill likely to advance to Obama\'s desk until the fall and is a tempting target for Democrats seeking to add money for a summer jobs program or to help to local school district to retain teachers.

    May 17, 2010
  • President Barack Obama said Wednesday he was confident that U.S. troops could start to return home as planned from Afghanistan in July 2011 but he predicted a tough fight in the coming months. \"There is going to be some tough fighting,\" Obama said at a joint news conference with Afghan president Hamid Karzai,

    May 13, 2010
  • A Yemeni government official says they will not extradite radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki to the U.S. if he is captured. According to Kuwati\'s Kuwait Al-Dar Online newspaper, Foreign Minister Abu-Bakr al-Qirbi says Awlaki is wanted for interrogation by the Yemeni government because of his connection to Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Hasan and the Underwear Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Yemen refuses to extradite its citizen to other countries.

    May 13, 2010
  • Raids on suspected Taliban hideouts would probably be best handled by Afghan forces as opposed to U.S special forces. Major-General Charles Cleveland, Commander of Special Operations for U.S. Central Command says also they have to avoid killing and wounding civilians. At a conference yesterday in Jordan. Cleveland also said, \"Raids and kill/capture operations remain important, but they have to be precise.\" Special forces are only permitted to carry out raids at night when Afghan forces are with them.

    May 11, 2010
  • Several journalists can no longer go into the military commissions happened at Guantanamo Bay. The Pentagon says four of them published the name of a witness after being told not to. The U.S. military wanted the witness identified only as \"Interrogator No. 1\" and said reporting his name was off-limits. Reporters for the Miami Herald, the Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, and Canwest News Service reported the name during hearings for a 23-year-old Canadian prisoner who is charged with killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan.

    May 10, 2010
  • Evangelist Franklin Graham prayed on a sidewalk outside the Pentagon today after his invitation to a prayer service inside was withdrawn because of comments that insulted people of other religions. He prayed with his party of a half-dozen people for about five minutes at the Pentagon parking lot. Pentagon spokesman Geoff said he came, he prayed, he left and it was uneventful.

    May 06, 2010
  • Assistance is coming for family members who have to leave their jobs to become caregivers for severely wounded Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, courtesy of a bill signed Wednesday by President Barack Obama. The bill, estimated to cost $3.7 billion over five years, also expands veterans care for women, the homeless, and those who live in rural areas.

    May 06, 2010
  • A U.S. counterterrorism source in a position to know says there is a foreign influence nexus to the suspects linked to the Times Square attempted bombing. A Justice Department spokesman said, \"The investigation continues. We are pursuing every lead to determine the identity and motives of the person or persons responsible. Other U.S. Intelligence officials are stressing it is too early to determine what that influence was generated outside of the U.S. or stateside with international connections.

    May 04, 2010
  • A video of Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud surfaced last Friday from what appeared to be an unidentified location. Geo News TV did the interview in which Meshud said the Taliban are winning the war. Earlier this year he was reportedly killed after a U.S drone attack, but Taliban leaders and Pakistani intelligence now say he is alive. The question now is whether this video was made before or after the US missile attack.

    May 03, 2010
  • More from this hearing on using funds for specialty and incentive pay instead of across-the-board pay raises.

    April 30, 2010
  • The United States plans give the Pakistani government $600 million to pay for military operations they\'ve undertaken in the last 12 months. A pentagon spokesman says, \"There has been some concern on the Pakistani\'s part about the rate at which they are reimbursed for Coalition Support Funds for their efforts in the war on terror on our behalf within their borders.\" The U.S. owes Pakistan about $2 billion dollars.

    April 30, 2010
  • Former Pakistani Military Ruler and then President Pervez Musharraf is said to be exploring a return to power in Pakistan. Musharraf has been living in London since he left office in 2007. He could face criminal charges if returns to the country. Pakistani sources say he\'s planning to move to Middle east shortly and launch a new political party. Pakistani political observers the former military ruler would face difficult circumstances if he tried to re-enter politics.

    April 29, 2010
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he\'s satisfied with Pentagon planning to counter the threat posed by Iran\'s nuclear program. During a joint news conference at the Pentagon with Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak, Gates also said, \"We are at a point now where Hezbollah has far more rockets and missiles than most governments in the world.\" Those weapons are a clear threat for Israel. Barak said Israel was closely watching Hezbollah.

    April 28, 2010