
  • The federal government faces a growing number of workers eligible for retirement. At the same time, agencies are seeing its newest workers leaving in the largest numbers. What are agencies doing to bring in the next generation of federal workers?

    January 24, 2011
  • Agencies spend significant time and resources recruiting and training top talent but a new study warns that many are ignoring the other crucial side of the equation - keeping those employees. Booz Allen\'s Ron Sanders explains.

    January 19, 2011
  • A new report warns that agencies need to focus on employee retention as Congress threatens pay and hiring freezes. Agency leaders and line managers must work together to maintain their workforces.

    January 18, 2011
  • Republican and Democratic leaders in the Senate are still debating the 2011 defense authorization bill, but the lame-duck Congress may put off a vote until next year.

    November 17, 2010
  • The report, issued by the Partnership for Public Service and Grant Thorton, says there are a number of longstanding issues that are hurting the federal government\'s chances of attracting the best and the brightest. More from the Partnership\'s John Palguta.

    August 18, 2010
  • The report, issued by the Partnership for Public Service and Grant Thorton, says there are a number of longstanding issues that are hurting the federal government\'s chances of attracting the best and the brightest.

    August 17, 2010
  • Vice Admiral Mark Ferguson explains how work-life balance is making the difference in retention for the Navy.

    June 01, 2010
  • Although the legislation has stalled twice in Congress, supporters of a bill that would increase scholarships for students pursuing public service are now saying that federal staff shortages have helped build momentum for the idea.…

    August 14, 2009
  • By Emily McKenna FederalNewsRadio The Office of Personnel Management wants the Chief Human Capital Officers to provide more organized attention to the 3R’s: recruitment, relocation, and retention incentives. OPM director John Berry outlined these requests…

    July 16, 2009
  • Editor’s Note: Click here to listen to Mike’s interview with OPM Director John Berry on yesterday’s Your Turn program. The location of the building and the color of your office walls may not change much…

    May 14, 2009
  • What do you do if a coworker comes in dressed as a Nazi storm trooper, or if the boss asks you to put drops in his ears? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that problem employees and nasty bosses can make or break an office and he\'s got some examples.

    April 15, 2009
  • What is the federal government doing to attract and retain employees in the 21st Century? The Office of Personnel Management has developed its Career Patterns Initiative to help with the hiring issues federal managers face.…

    November 12, 2008