
  • Employees at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will be furloughed four days starting in July, acting Administrator Kathryn Sullivan wrote in an email to staff Monday.

    April 16, 2013
  • Elected and appointed officials are exempt from sequestration-related furloughs. But now that President Barack Obama has voluntarily taken a 5 percent pay cut, odds are many of the people he appointed to their jobs will also follow suit. So what do rank-and-file federal employees think? Check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey's column for more.

    April 16, 2013
  • When sequestration was proposed, politicians said it would never happen. It did. When it triggered furlough warnings, some said they would never take place. Except they are happening right now, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    April 15, 2013
  • Phillip Selleh, program manager for the VA Business Accelerator, will talk about the program and what it hopes to accomplish. April 12, 2013

    April 12, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts discuss the latest jobs report and and how sequestration is affecting the economy of Fairfax County Virginia. April 11, 2013

    April 11, 2013
  • James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, said the 17-agency community is trying not to repeat lessons of past cuts that hampered analytical capabilities. Clapper also issued a new IC-wide code of ethics and made a key change to the security clearance form.

    April 10, 2013
  • A new Federal News Radio survey finds agency financial managers have moved up to the next level and are using information and performance metrics to inform their decision making. Respondents say they are finding ways to use data to find efficiencies. Workforce training, retaining and hiring are among their top priorities. The survey is part of Federal News Radio's special report, Rise of the Money People.

    April 10, 2013
  • Absent structural changes, the combination of 10-year budget caps Congress has already approved and rising growth in personnel costs mean DoD would be able to sign paychecks, administer healthcare benefits and not much more.

    April 08, 2013
  • Linda Rix, co-CEO of Avue Technologies, will discuss the latest hiring trends in the federal government, and a new program her company has started to help job seekers. April 5, 2013

    April 05, 2013
  • Craig E. Hooks, assistant administrator at EPA's Office of Administration and Resources, sent an email to all agency employees describing the agency's furlough plans. Full-time employees will be furloughed for 32 hours during the first phase of EPA's furlough process.

    April 05, 2013
  • When it comes to the perils of sequestration, it appears that federal workers are all over the place, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Some say it's just another political fire drill, while others say this time for sure. Been-there-done-that workers say this too shall pass. But paycheck to paycheck people say furloughs could wreck their financial lives. So, where are you in all this?

    April 05, 2013
  • The Office of Management and Budget has directed agencies to take full advantage of the funding flexibilities they have under law as they implement across-the-board sequestration cuts, that went into effect March 1. In an April 4 memo, OMB Controller Danny Werfel also directed agency and department leaders to be mindful of certain types of performance awards and to work with agency inspectors general before making cuts to IG offices.

    April 04, 2013
  • In his first policy speech, new Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel praised the military, but acknowledged DoD has grown older and more expensive in almost every way. While not a tacit acceptance of the automatic budget cuts imposed by sequestration, Hagel acknowledged it was time for the military to reassess how it can operate in the new budgetary environment where there will be fewer dollars available.

    April 04, 2013
  • Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund Executive Director Steve Bauer, and Sean Reilly from the Federal Times, will discuss furloughs, and their impact on feds. April 3, 2013

    April 03, 2013