service contracting

  • GAO found many agencies will fall short of the June 30 deadline to determine if they are using service contractors appropriately.

    May 27, 2011
  • A Defense Science Board panel found DoD\'s procedures and its senior leaders don\'t give service contracts the attention they deserve. Service contracts make up more than 50 percent of the Defense Department\'s acquisition budget.

    April 25, 2011
  • The Pentagon\'s acquisition chief said Wednesday that Defense leaders would \"undoubtedly\" cut more major weapons systems, possibly as soon as next year. But undersecretary of Defense Ashton Carter said there were more savings to be found in other areas of the Defense Department budget. Major weapons procurement makes up only one seventh of DoD\'s spending.

    April 20, 2011
  • Proper implementation of Chief Management Officer is key to improvements

    March 12, 2009