US Digital Service

  • President Barack Obama wants to spend his last 18 months in office turning government technology on its head. Obama says government\'s procurement systems are broken, but he believes organizations like the U.S. Digital Service can change the way people develop, buy and use new technology. Tom Shoop is editor-in-chief at Government Executive magazine. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the likelihood of a major systemic change in the way government buys and implements new technology.

    June 19, 2015
  • President Barack Obama appointed David Recordon as the director of White House Information Technology. The new position will be responsible for modernizing and securing IT within the Executive Office of the President.

    March 20, 2015
  • Agencies could get a 2 percent bump for their technology spending accounts in fiscal 2016. But what President Barack Obama's annual budget request to Congress is doing is acknowledging after years small IT increases, it's time to spend more to get bigger long-term savings. Federal News Radio Executive editor Jason Miller tells In Depth with Francis Rose the details on the 2016 IT budget request.

    February 02, 2015
  • The Office of Management and Budget says PortfolioStat data is proving the positive impact agile development is having on IT projects. The U.S. Digital Service is providing both help and training to expand the understanding and use of agile development.

    November 21, 2014
  • Clear evidence is in: the agile software development concept is leading to more successful federal technology projects. The Office of Management and Budget issued a memo calling for modular project development in 2012, and it's been monitoring its uptake since. Lisa Schlosser is acting federal chief information officer. Mikey Dickerson is the director of the U.S. Digital Service and the deputy federal chief information officer. Haley Van Dyck is a member of the Digital Services Team. All three of them sat down with Federal News Radio Executive Editor Jason Miller to discuss the progress in using the agile concept commonly known as DevOps.

    November 20, 2014
  • The new U.S. Digital Service is working with agencies across government to triage IT problems and get programs back on track. The infrastructure for the Service came out of the lessons learned from fixing the problems with Mikey Dickerson is Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service. On In Depth with Francis Rose -- and in his first interview since he took over -- he explained the mission of the Service, and why industry shouldn't worry about the Service trying to cut in on its business.

    October 27, 2014
  • The Obama Administration wants to avoid a repeat of the technical glitches it experienced with the rollout of One way is through a White House effort called the U.S. Digital Service. The Digital Service will consist of a small team of experts that will serve as consultants to agencies on IT projects. Ariel Rabkin is a visiting fellow with AEI's Center for Internet, Communications and Technology Policy. He joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain why many IT projects fail in the first place.

    September 14, 2014