• As part of the Hiring Excellence campaign, OPM is going on the road to speak with the federal HR community in the field. The goal is to better educate HR specialists and hiring managers about the wide variety of authorities and flexibilities they already have to recruit and hire new talent.

    May 03, 2016
  • The Homeland Security Department is about to roll out a new series of incentive payments to lure cyber experts from the private sector and keep them in the civil service.

    May 03, 2016
  • The federal human resources community suggests agencies change their approach to hiring. Rather than hedge their bets that will help them identify a diverse pool of qualified new applicants, hiring managers should constantly target specific groups of talented people, the Office of Personnel Management says.

    April 12, 2016
  • Agencies say the guidance and tools that the Office of Personnel Management gives to department headquarters often does not filter down to components in the field. OPM began the first of its listening and training tours last week on the federal hiring process.

    March 18, 2016
  • Improvements to the federal job portal include an application tracker, which lets candidates monitor their progress as they start and finish an application online. The Office of Personnel Management will roll out more improvements to throughout the year.

    February 24, 2016
  • The Office of Personnel Management's Veronica Villalobos says the 2 percent growth in Hispanic federal employees is a sign of slow and steady progress.

    November 02, 2015
  • You might have heard that baby boomers are no longer babies, and most of them have grandchildren. Federal boomers are retiring in waves. So who replaces them? The Office of Personnel Management is overhauling the government's recruiting tools to attract tech-savvy millennials who might not be charmed by stuffy job descriptions or bureaucratic websites. Federal News Radio's Emily Kopp joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to discuss OPM's new strategy.

    November 17, 2014
  • The hunt for a job in the federal government can be confusing from the very start. Logging onto USA Jobs and searching for a job as a "secretary" can land you options ranging from public affairs officer to associate deputy assistant secretary for program planning and budget. Then comes navigating the technical requirements, executive core requirements, and the actual application process itself. Tim McManus is Vice President for Education and Outreach at the Partnership for Public Service. He shared some tips for aspiring feds on In Depth with guest host Jared Serbu.

    July 17, 2014
  • Linda Rix, co-CEO of Avue Technologies will give her take on a wide range of issues affecting the federal job market. July 5, 2013 (This show originally aired June 28, 2013)

    July 05, 2013
  • Linda Rix, co-CEO of Avue Technologies will give her take on a wide range of issues affecting the federal job market. June 28, 2013

    June 28, 2013
  • Auditors found no security weaknesses that present an immediate threat to the jobs portal or user information housed in its database. The test represented the site's first independent security evaluation since OPM took control over from Monster Government Solutions in Oct. 2011. Under MGS management, hackers broke into the portal twice in 17 months.

    August 03, 2012
  • With federal workforces potentially on the budget chopping block, the Office of Personnel Management is extending a helping hand to feds who may find themselves jobless in the near future.

    November 18, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management faces a House subcommittee today to answer questions about its handling of the USAJobs relaunch.

    November 15, 2011
  • The widespread frustration over the Office of Personnel Management\'s handling of has caught lawmakers\' attention. The House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce has invited OPM, government inspectors and Monster, the company that previously ran the federal jobs site, to testify at a hearing Tuesday.

    November 14, 2011