Cyber companies were left holding the bag of bid and proposals costs to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars when the Air Force abruptly cancelled a huge multiple award contract.
A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) initiative called "the Joint Requirement Council" hasn't gone very far in 10 years. The Council is supposed to discover capabilities multiple DHS components have in common, in order to avoid duplication and redundancy. But the Council doesn't meet very often and no one at the top seems to pay any attention, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
Sonny Hashmi, the commissioner of the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service, said the new organizational approach will be made up of five divisions and focused on agency customers.
The PAP is a significant policy document, providing guidance to FAS contracting officers regarding the negotiation of Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contracts. It essentially modifies the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and General Services Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) regarding the negotiation of fair and reasonable pricing under the Federal Supply Service (FSS) program.
In today's Federal Newscast: A State Department contractor has been arrested for allegedly sharing classified information with a foreign government. Cisco Systems is buying cybersecurity and data firm Splunk for $28 billion, in a cash deal. And the Air Force abruptly cancels a huge cybersecurity solicitation.
The initial awards, worth $238 million, went to the future operators of eight “hubs” DoD is establishing as part of its Microelectronics Commons program.
Imagine a federal procurement shop where you use every technique, except the Federal Acquisition Regulation. And you don't do grants, either. And you've got congressional backing for your novel approach. That's the case for one of the government's newer agencies, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, known as ARPA-H. For a look on the inside, Federal Drive Host Tom Temin spoke with Diane Sidebottom, ARPA-H Director of Acquisition and Contracts.
Vendors still have a Sept. 22 deadline to submit bids for the General Services Administration’s OASIS+ governmentwide professional services vehicle despite a protest before GAO.
A new report from RAND Corporation reviewed two distinct technologies to illustrate ways the Air Force needs to align its goals with expense and risk in developing new space technology.
The Cambridge English Dictionary defines transparency as “the quality of being in an open way without secrets” and is defined in the Cambridge Business English Dictionary as a “situation in which business and financial activities are done in an open way without secrets, so that people can trust that they are fair and honest.” Transparency is the key to effective communication between and among stakeholders in the procurement process.
The Pentagon’s deputy undersecretary for acquisition said that when used properly, the adaptive acquisition framework will speed up and improve the acquisition process.
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), the ranking member of the Small Business Committee, introduced the Accountability and Clarity in Contracts to Engage Small Suppliers and Small Businesses (ACCESS) Act today as the first step to make these and other major changes to federal small business contracting.
Federal contractors get plenty of feedback from the government. But outside of protests, the notion of a 360-degree evaluation doesn't exactly operate here, until now, maybe.
DOJ and the General Services Administration’s inspector general says Verizon’s cyber protections fell short of requirements outlined in the Trusted Internet Connections initiative from October 2017 to August 2021.
Mark Fox, director of Federal Sales at Amazon Business, joins host Roger Waldron on this week's Off the Shelf for a discussion on procurement transformation, e-commerce, and the role data management can and does play in supporting the federal mission.