
  • Defrauding the federal government is not enough to stop the award of future contracts.

    February 27, 2009
  • The fiscal 2010 budget summary details almost four pages on how the Obama administration is going to manage the federal government. While many of the specifics were not laid out, there is a clear path…

    February 26, 2009
  • The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act contains lots of money for federal agencies and the Small Business Administration is one of them. Eric Zarnikow, SBA’s Associate Administrator for the Office of Capital Access, tells us…

    February 25, 2009
  • How do you get young people involved in the federal government? Let them observe what you do on a daily basis. The General Services Administration recently hosted its annual Information Technology Job Shadow Day in…

    February 20, 2009
  • Robert Burton, former deputy administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and currently with the Venable law firm, says that the stimulus bill is not good news for the acquisition workforce.

    February 18, 2009
  • New offices created by the stimulus package are being challenged.

    February 18, 2009
  • President Obama is in Denver today to sign The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, known to most of us as the stimulus bill. That bill includes money for alternative energy. And right there in Denver,…

    February 17, 2009
  • The White House, with the help of the General Services Administration, launched the site this morning. Sources say the site is using similar technology behind the site to track federal contracts and grants.

    February 17, 2009
  • One approach DoD and many other agencies are using to address the impending retirement wave is by attracting high school students through the Chief Information Officer Council\'s Information Technology Job Shadow Day.

    February 16, 2009
  • The Coast Guard buys a lot of equipment and supplies, but how should all that work get done? To answer that question, the Coast Guard came up with a set of acquisition priorities.

    February 12, 2009
  • The economic stimulus package is on its way to becoming law. About $62 billion of contracting opportunities included in the package. Jeremy Potter, Senior Analyst with INPUT, tells us why it’s better to act now.

    February 10, 2009
  • Sandy Hoe Partner McKenna, Long & Aldridge February 10th, 2009

    February 10, 2009
  • CHEERS To Bob Martinez, Patrick Jones, Paul Davis, and Tim Cashman, GSA Pacific Rim, Public Building Service employees, who increased the use of renewable energy at the California Land Port of Entry in Otay Mesa,…

    February 10, 2009
  • Reduce electricity, use less water, and cut down on fossil fuels – those are a few of the energy mandates to federal agencies by the year 2015. But for the past 30 years, government leaders…

    February 09, 2009
  • Opportunity name: Operation of the Information Assurance Technical Analysis Center (IATAC) Agency: Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Contract length: 7 years Estimated value: $1.68 billion Incumbent: Booz Allen Hamilton Services provided: The operations of the…

    February 09, 2009