December and January are the most popular retirement months for federal workers. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has been talking to outward bound feds and likes what he's hearing.
Didn't you know that there would be a catch to the SES pay raise? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has the details.
With the ceiling for Grade 15 being raised and members of the Senior Executive Service getting a pay boost, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says federal managers are finally getting some long overdue love.
Are you alone, naked and waiting to be fracked? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says tons of people in the D.C. area are exposed.
February 2016 will be selfie month for thousands of federal workers. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says this is not a "smile and say cheese" event photo op.
David Snell, director of retirement benefits at NARFE, joins host Mike Causey to discuss the new self-plus-one health care option for federal employees, and the backlog in processing retirement applications. December 16, 2015
Shutting down the federal government is a truly dumb thing to do, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that doesn't mean it won't happen.
If you are still thinking about changing your federal health insurance plan, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it's time to reset your inertia button.
The health insurance hunting season ends Monday. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has found a free information source you can use from home or the office.
This week on "Your Turn", federal heath benefits expert Walt Francis joins host Mike Causey to answer your questions about FEHBP open season, which ends Dec. 14.
What does a 14-foot tall statue of a nude male have to do with your federal health plan? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there is a link.
Whether you are a 28-year-old triathlete or an 80-year-old retiree, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you both need to get moving — and fast.
Does your paycheck have a leak in it? Is your federal annuity anemic? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it's not your imagination and it's not your fault.
Would you like your health plan to pay your premiums? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey said there is a way, provided you do it before the end of Open Season on Dec. 14.
Who says working for Uncle Sam isn't exciting? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says feds have gone from hoping for a bonus "holiday" to wondering if they are going to be paid.